Saturday, March 23, 2024

Stiff and Sore

Though it hasn’t helped that I had to remove everything from the kitchen cupboards, drawers, under the sink — editing out as I went along, and then spending the last few days constantly in motion, testing out where to place items for functionality — more editing as I went along, it was this morning’s 5k ……… in the rain, that's broken Shirley.

It wasn’t raining when I first arrived at 8:45 a.m. It waited until I got in line to check in, pick up my bib and t-shirt.

That gave me just enough time to rush to the car, toss the t-shirt in, check the trunk, hoping to find an umbrella.

Obviously I did, but not the plain small brown umbrella I thought might be in the trunk. Instead, it was the large lacy Scarlett O'Hara umbrella I purchased eons ago, back in my cute era, when I was wearing dresses, high heels, and nylons.

It was a sparce crowd for this morning’s event.

I’m assuming the missing crowd had gotten word of rain, chose not to participate.

I too had heard the weather girl, earlier in the week, predict rain this morning, but only sprinkles.

It was way more than sprinkles, but I soldiered on — umbrella in one hand, walking stick for balance and help getting up the inclines I was expecting on the course in the other.

Not only was the majority of the course an upwards trajectory, i.e. slight inclines, but across a grassy uneven with potholes field (the work of groundhogs?) — where I nearly twisted an ankle, and around the athletic field, where the ground was hard, lumpy, bumpy, causing me to stumble around like a drunkard. Consequently, when I saw an area of the course had taken us near to where I’d parked the car, I made the decision to veer off, go to the car, ditch the umbrella, grab the other walking stick.

I lost the other walkers but, able to propel myself with two poles, I quickly caught up.

I finished back of the pack, drenched, view obstructed by raindrops on my glasses, but not last.

It’s a good thing I’d set my tracker and saw I'd logged in unofficial results of 56:57, because official race results were not forthcoming — "Internet issues" the announcer said.

Had there been official results, I still would have had no idea how I measured up to my peers because the categories were not narrowed down by age, as they were last time. This year we were lumped into "18 years and older".

Also, no finishing medals came at the end. Just that t-shirt, which I’ll use as a sleep shirt.

St. Patrick's Day having passed, I wasn't feeling cosplaying with green lipstick, wore my usual red (Sorry to disappoint you Paranormal John 💋).

No entertainment, no results, no medal and it rained. So, will I do this race again?

Probably, but not if it rains.

I’m off to soak my tired achy body in Epsom Salt.

Not much is going to get done on putting things away in the kitchen for a while, as I’m waiting for storage bins to arrive.


  1. Well, unfortunately that race was a disappointing event but hey, your umbrella had STYLE!

  2. I think your umbrella was the belle of the ball, and good on you for going and going and going!!!

    1. If there'd been the usual photographer taking race photos, I'd have definitely stood out.

  3. Well that IS nice to be placed in the "over 18" category! Love the Southern Belle umbrella! (That irony could historically open a BIG can 'o worms.) Ya did good! You're starting to inspire me to get moving! Linda in Kansas

    1. I just read an article about how important it is to keep moving and how one can start by putting the tv remove in a location where one has to get up, move across the room to change channels.

  4. Well done to keep going in the rain. That's quite the fancy umbrella. 😁

    1. Walking in the rain was an adventure I'll not repeat.

  5. Well, you did. What a trooper. And you did it with style.

  6. As always you look stylish AND fierce! And ready to join the second line with your parasol!

    1. "Parasol" does seem more fitting than umbrella what with all those flounces.

  7. Congrats on the race. That umbrella deserved a prize, too! I'm sad to learn the green lipstick didn't see the light of day (or night). Maybe you can get creative and come up with a reason to don the green once again before next St. Pat's Day.
    Paranormal John

    1. We'll see, but it's not looking likely before the lipstick's two-year expiration date.

  8. You are so gutsy! I would definitely have peeled off when I got near the car! JanF

    1. "Peeled off" ... LOL. The thought did cross my mind, and had I known there were no finish medals at the end for all participants, I might have, as you say, peeled off.

  9. You are a wunderkind, my friend. And that IS a compliment!

  10. You're a Trooper and relentless. Congrats on doing and finishing the Race under less than ideal conditions.
