Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Guilty Mind

From my perch on the couch yesterday, I saw the fast walking resident who’d recently recovered from being hospitalized with Covid. She was on the side walkway heading towards the Laundry Room, laundry basket in hand, and she was not wearing a mask.

Note to self: Take disinfectant spray when next you enter the Laundry Room.

I’m assuming she set her laundry to wash and was done for the moment, because I again observed her on the walkway, this time heading back towards her unit.

I did not see her return to remove wash and set laundry to dry but, when I later went out to drop trash in the bin, then loop around to check mail, there her maskless self was.

She was sitting on the bench outside the Laundry Room and, when she saw me coming down the walkway, having to pass her maskless self to get to my unit, she greeted me by saying, “Hi. I forgot my mask”.

A guilty mind.

She knew she was wrong to be trapsing around here maskless — when we are once again under the governor’s mask mandate, and came up with an excuse to ward off my saying anything.

It was an obvious lie that she’d forgotten her mask. Obvious to me because I’d see her twice on the walkway, once when she was headed back to her unit and could easily have retrieved her mask before heading back to sit on the bench.

Reminded me of a story a coworker once told me about his childhood growing up in the country.

He said he’d been a mischievous child and, with not much to do in the county, he and another neighbor boy had stolen a chicken.

I don’t recall if he said what the boys did with the chicken but, shortly after stealing, it there was a knock on the door.

He said he opened the door, saw it was an officer of the law and immediately blurted out, “I didn’t steal no chicken!”.

His guilty mind made his mouth utter that lie, before the officer even asked. To top it off, the officer was there on another matter. Knew nothing about a chicken having been stolen.

At any rate, after this fast walking maskless neighbor lied to me about forgetting her mask, she complimented my mask and wished me a blessed day — which is her usual greeting to all us neighbors … “Have a blessed day”.

Deliver me from these overly religious types.

Waking up to the below Breaking News is giving me pause.

I’m not looking forward to a booster but, fortunately, I was late to the party, can observe how things go with the boosters, won’t have to make a decision until January.

How are you feeling about a booster ... Is it yeah or nay or whatever — it is what it is?


  1. I'm ready for the booster because if I get COVID it's curtains for sure. Wouldn't have to fret if folks would have just gotten vaccinated and would wear their masks, but .. ..let freedom ring, until it wrings our necks.

    1. You're in the at risk category, so perfectly understandable that you're ready. As for unvaccinated and no mask, I just don't get it. At the very least, wear the mask.

    2. Ordering a fashionista mask today for special occasions. Tired of all my utilitarian same-old same-olds.

    3. Can't wait to see your fashionista mask.

  2. PS. Loved the chicken story. Reminds me of 4-year-old daughter at Grandmother's house: "I don't want a Dixie cup." (She'd seen them in the freezer, and wanted one NOW, but I'd told her to just be patient, everyone was going to get one for dessert.)

  3. “Have a blessed day”
    I'm not fast enough to reply with "namaste". One of these days I'll get it out.

  4. Could carry an extra paper mask and give it to her when she "forgets." Must think she's immune now...she's not 100%. AND could still spread to others. For all of humanity, whether high-risk or not, the 3rd shots will be good. There are articles as to why and when on medscape.com. Will become similar to the yearly flu shots.
    The more we have to protect ourselves from the breeding idiots, the longer we'll survive. Linda in Kansas

    1. I may have to because I saw her again today. This time she said she couldn't find her mask. I don't even know if she's been vaccinated, but her lackadaisical attitude may be how she caught Covid in the first place.

  5. Please give this idiot a mask!
    Holy Cow, you have done your best as have many of us.
    What a fool she is.

    1. Since it's been suggested by you and another commenter that I provide her with a mask, and since she's saying the mask she can't find is "bling", I did for a second think of ordering her a bling from my mask guy. But that might open a can of worms. She'll take the gift as a gesture of friendship and, as I'd previously posted about her, well before Covid, when I was telling her about 5Ks, my spidey sense told me she was not someone I wanted to be friends with. That I'd have to dumb myself down to hang with her. It appears my spidey sense was right. She's just not that swift. I don’t want to take a chance on opening a door for her to walk through and thus, will have to try to avoid. I’m happy she’d not in my quad, but if there’s a sudden influx in her quad, I’ll know who brought it.

  6. I'm catching up with Blog Posts, I'd have to get an inexpensive Mask just to challenge Maskless Lady and hand her one and then intentionally make sure she wore it becoz I'd dog the shit out of her otherwise. *winks* I amuse myself like that with the Covodiot Crowds sometimes, their excuses always being so lame and ignorant as hell.

    1. She's not the only one walking around here maskless, but she's the one that worries me because she's the one I KNOW had covid.
