Monday, April 26, 2021

Gloomy Days and Mondays

Woke up in a blue funk this morning ─ tired and in no way ready to seize the day.

Not sure exactly why ... except maybe too much of the Law and Order Binge-A-Thon (all 20 seasons of the original), which has been causing way too many dreams since I got into the binge-a-thon days ago, including last night when the dream was like a film vignette ─ different people, in different situations ─ people I did not know, situations I now can’t recall but which left me waking up feeling exhausted, rather than rested.

So, instead of the Oscars last night, I was into the Goren years of Law and Order, because I can’t handle all those Oscar speeches, nor am I interested in who wins what. I do enjoy the fashion, but I can always catch that online ─ without the aggravation of speeches, pomp and ceremony.

So waking up tired and not ready for another day of life this cold dreary Monday morning, I made coffee and logged on to see what Billy Porter had worn to the Oscars ... only he wasn’t in attendance.

There was much ado about Laura Derns Oscar de la Renta dress being a total miss, but I loved it, thought it clean, elegant.

The dress is being unfairly compared to the disastrous looking swan dress worn by Björk back in 2001.

Unfairly because ... well look ...

One is a costume, the other is art.

At any rate, I think Laura and De La Renta are getting a bad rap.

After logging off the puter, performing the usual morning rituals, I dragged my tired self to the Pain Cave, thinking the workout would lift me ─ produce much needed endorphins.

I open the door and ..... BAM! ... straight ahead, just as I entered the door.

Do you see it?

Here's a closer look.

It’s the treadmill.

Formerly perfectly placed in the room facing the picture window, it is now located in the front room, smack dab across from the studio’s entrance.

My view now is the boxing ring and the room where the treadmill had been located ─ which is now were the boxing bags have been strung up.

My back is to a wall, my side is to a wall ─ amazingly, the feng shui of it hits the corner (relationship) and wall (family) of this room, same as when located in the other room.

My side view is the front door.

Too tired to care, I asked how the wife felt about this change. Trainer said she just shook her head and said “Whatever”.

I liked the other room, other position better but, inasmuch as I'm not facing a wall, I can live with it. Besides, it's not like I have a choice.

So whatever.

As for those much needed endorphins ... I survived this morning’s workout, but came away feeling no more energetic than when I awoke.


  1. The treadmill is becoming a bigger pain than the smoke detector.

  2. You *do* have a choice. Stay out of that room! 🤣

    1. Not feasible, inasmuch as I need the treadmill to warm up, and for cardio in-between sets. Where the treadmill goes, I go and I have a feeling the current location is not the final stop, as he does like to arrange and rearrange.

  3. oy! I have extreme fatigue also. I have an appt scheduled with my PCP tomorrow.

    1. Maybe a delayed reaction to all we've been bombarded with last few years ... Thing 45, Pandemic, All the news about Police Brutality. We're still in a dark tunnel, closer to the light at the end but tired.
