Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday the 13th

That is all. LOL.


  1. Full moon tonight too. Let's all go out drinking and test our luck.

  2. The Man reminded me it was Friday The 13th, because he knows my extended Family tend to be Superstitious... I'm not one to have any superstition about the 13th being on a Friday or even the No. 13... but I don't like the No. 4. *LOL* I found out from my Asian DIL that many Asian Cultures also don't like the No. 4, so now I don't feel so alone in my intense mysterious dislike of it or like such a Weirdo having an Aversion to it! *Smiles*

    1. I requested a new telephone number a few years back and it came back with a lot of 4's in it. Not a good thing, I told them, as I live in a senior complex, with a lot of old people, and 4 is death. I ended up with numbers that indicates good luck. So far so good.

    2. Wow, I didn't know 4 is Death... the Asians apparently feel it is a very Unlucky No. just like most Westerners think No. 13 is.
