Friday, November 11, 2016

Did That Really Happen?

After an unusually long day in the service department yesterday -- five and a half hours, I ended up with a headache, and I never ever get headaches.

It wasn’t the $1,346.60 price tag or the fact, having not expected such a long wait, I didn’t bring lunch, or think to walk the half mile to Marie Callender’s for a steamed veggie plate, it was their huge flat screen blasting Fox Trump News into my brain.

I distracted myself as much as possible with the two magazines I’d brought and playing PokémonGo in the waiting room, as the place had plenty without having to step out the door. The few times I did get up and step out the door, salesmen and saleswomen came out of nowhere.

One was the guy who’d accosted me last time. Had I seen him coming, I would have run back inside but, all of a sudden, he was just there … “You back again? How ‘bout I talk you into a new car?”

“I’m happy with my car.”

“What kind of car do you have?”


“What year?”


“Oh yeah?”

“I’m not buying a new car.”

“Well, if you do, my name is …”

They're like a bunch of chicken hawks -- the sleazy guys who hang around bus terminals trying to pick up and lead astray young girls.

When the survey arrives, asking me to comment on how well the service department did, I'm going to complain about the sales department's harassment.

At any rate, by the time all was said and done, I was on the road headed home, caught in the rush hour traffic of folks getting off work.

Arriving home with that headache, I broke my grain-free thing by quickly devouring the chicken burger and fries I’d stopped to pick up at Baker’s, settled in and tried to clear my head, get back on center.

I caught the tail end of Judge Judy which, by the way, was a case involving ownership of a 2004 Saturn.

By end of the evening, I'd managed to survive Fox, the long wait, the harassment and was back on-center, but the burger bun on an empty stomach was giving me problems, because my stomach reacts negatively to wheat and grain -- I wasn't to have eaten the bread.

Waking up at 4:15 this morning, life didn’t feel real. It was like what I’d seen, heard, experienced over the last few days was a dream, a bad dream that I needed to wake up from.

I don’t know if it was the bread or Fox News still working their way through my system, but unsure of what was real, I had to ask myself, “Did that really happen? Is Donald Trump the president?”

On tap for today is heading to the University for PokémonGo tools, as I pretty much depleted my backpack in the waiting room of the service department.


  1. it's a living nightmare, indeed. I hope we end up pleasantly surprised, but I'm not holding my breath.
