Friday, November 18, 2016

Color Me Annoyed

The sign-up sheet for the potluck, slated for the 24th, was posted in a highly visible place – on the Community Room refrigerator door, directly in front of the entry way to the kitchen, highly visible from the counter where the coffee machine and free goodies are kept.

You couldn’t miss it.

In fact, that’s how I became aware of the event.

There’s always free giveaways at 5Ks which, if it’s not something my sensitive stomach can handle, I drop off at the counter in the Community Room. So dropping off the fruit/nut bars and bags of caramelized popcorn from the Mission Inn Run, I spotted the sign-up sheet.

Evidently, though you couldn’t miss the sign-up sheet, it went unnoticed, because no other name but mine appeared over the last few days.

Checking back yesterday, to see how the sign up was going, I observed still no other name but mine. However, to rectify the situation, the organizers had posted yet another sign-up sheet on the table underneath the big screen television.

To me, this is a less visible location, but it appears to have worked because others have signed up, one for cranberry sauce.

If the organizers were going to go with two sign-up sheets, logic dictates duplicates would occur. What they should have done is to have written my name in as already signed-up for cranberry sauce.

Color me annoyed, especially since three cans of cranberry sauce have already been purchased.

The way I see it, I have three options.

1.       Take my name off the first sign-up sheet and don’t attend.
2.      Ask the other resident bringing cranberry sauce to please bring something else.
3.      Bring something else myself and be stuck with three cans of cranberry sauce I can’t eat -- because the high fructose corn syrup ingredient would cause terrible stomach pains. (I have to make my own chutney from cranberries and an orange).

The Thanksgiving Luncheon management is gifting us residents is today at 11:00. I’ll think on my options, see how today’s luncheon goes, and then decide if I want to bother with the potluck or go with one of the other options. I might also add it's not unusual for folks to sign up for a dish and then not show-up. 

So there's always the possibility that, if I drop out or bring something else, the other might not show and cranberry sauce is off the menu completely.

I feel the potluck turning into a complete cluster you-know-what. 

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