Friday, July 19, 2019

It’s Not Looking Good

It’s not looking good for my neighbor across the quaddown stairs, corner unit, affectionally referred to in the blog as Nosey.
If you will recall, she fell in her unit, broke her hip back in April, was hospitalized, then went into rehab.
Since returning, she’s just not the same.
No longer looking the jolly little plump lady, she’s now alarmingly thin, frail. The one time I observed the home care aid assisting her to a seat on the patio, she didn't seem to hear well or understand well or reasonably respond when I greeted her.
More recently, heading out for Thursday’s workout, I saw her once cheerily decorated patio is now a dead zone ─ completely bare.
Seeing the home care aid sweeping the area, I asked “Where’s her plants?”
“She gave them all away because she can’t care for them any longer”.
When Nosey was in rehab, us neighbors reached over the railings and watered her patio plants. Any one of us would be happy to continue to care for the plants if she wanted. She knows that. Plus, the home care aid is doing housework, so she too is available to care for plants.
So, I’m thinking Nosey is giving away stuff, not because she can no longer care for them, but because she’s giving up.
Nothing I see coming down the road for Nosey is looking good to me.
Elsewhere on the complex, landscapers have been hard at work trimming trees.

Trust Greedy Grabby ─ always looking for free stuff, to go shopping for olives in the downed branches of the olive trees.

From what I could tell, she ended up with a nice haul.
This afternoon is the luau. Will be interesting to see if The Seer and Shadow make an appearance ─ either separately or together.
Hopefully I can find someone to take a pic of me in my grass skirt. I say hopefully because the seniors do not take good photos. They cut off the head, or cut off the feet, or shake in a way that makes the photos come out blurry.
I’m off for a desperately needed manicure and pedicure, since I’ll be wearing sandals, but I’ll leave you with something to think about.


  1. I love that meme. That is exactly why the remark is so dumb.

  2. My Cousin on the Reservation had sent me a similar meme and it made me chuckle too, I'm certain most Indigenous people find this 'Immigration Issue' rather interesting. The Orange Menace is the Son of Immigrants, his Wife is an Immigrant, such hypocrisy! As for your Neighbor, the breaking of a Hip can be worse than many other things to recover from. A Friend of mine retired from the Medical Examiner's Office after 25 Years working there, she said that the majority of people who break a Hip die within 6-9 Months! That was startling! So, given what you have conveyed about Nosey, it does not look good for her and perhaps she senses this and is preparing herself. A lot of people who feel or seem to have a 'knowing' that they are dying often begin giving things away and making preparations to transition from time into eternity. Enjoy the Luau and I Hope you do get a decent Photographer so you can Share your Hawaiian Ensemble!?
