Thursday, February 1, 2018

Oh No They Didn’t

January went by so fast that I didn’t realize today was February until I found this month’s Activity Calendar had been posted to the door.
On the calendar is a Valentine’s Potluck on the 6th – “Sandwiches and drinks will be provided. Please sign up for a side dish”.
I’ll of course go, to hang out and take photos for our facebook page, but don’t feel compelled to bring anything as I won’t be eating or drinking.
There’s also a Community Breakfast on the 10th.
That’s going to be a powerful temptation if the Baker makes her famous biscuits and gravy, even though, last Community Breakfast -- when I took a chance and indulged, my taste buds had changed and her biscuits and gravy didn’t thrill like they had in the past.
Not to mention, I ended up with a gut episode.
Some people just never learn, and I may be one of those as I’m thinking maybe I’ll give one little small biscuit a try.
Either way though, whether I take a chance and eat or don’t eat, I’ll go and contribute a Starbucks Traveler.
On the 15th is another Residents/Management meeting.
Rumor is that the pit bull is still on the premises, so I’m sure residents will be pushing management for a resolution. Also, the notices threatening immediate eviction if caught smoking has done little to squash smoking in units.
When Apache came to walk me over to the pool area to watch the lunar eclipse 3:30 Wednesday morning, he passed a unit where he could smell cigarette smoke as the resident, in an attempt to not have his unit smell like smoking had occurred, had opened the door to let the smell float out.
BTW, there has not been a second sighting of Naked Guy. Apache says he’s taken upon himself to roam the property early mornings just in case the guy does make a second appearance, so he can identify and/or catch him.
As to residents continuing to break the no smoking rule, one side of me is wondering if management can refuse to lease to smokers. The other side of me is already hearing management say “No. That’s discrimination”.
But it’s a thought. I might bring it up at the next meeting.
I guess The Baker’s setting up cupcakes for January birthdays, to circumvent my not wanting my birthday recognized, has restarted Birthdays of the Month celebrations because the calendar shows “Birthdays of the Month Cake” on the 20th. This is the Activity Director’s event and, knowing her as I do, I seriously doubt she’ll carry through each and every month.
THEN … on the 26th, in big bold letters is HAPPY BIRTHDAY ____ (Head Maintenance Guy).
Oh no they didn’t, I said to myself.
Who’s idea was that?
Management has never done it for any other staffer and knowing residents don’t think much of HMG (In fact, I heard one resident recently refer to him as a surly slug), I can’t wait to hear the feedback.

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