Thursday, June 8, 2017

Laughed So Hard

Tomorrow’s movie here at the complex is Lonesome Dove. With the resident I refer to as Older Sister offering Hidden Figures – the movie about the Black women of NASA, and Lonesome Dove having been selected to show, I put in a call in to Apache, who knows everything going on around here, to ask him “What’s going on … Who’s selecting the movies … What’s the criteria?”
The Beauty and the Beast DVD was released this week. I intend to purchase and, once I find out what the criteria is … whether it’s nothing naughty or controversial or only On TV movies -- which is what it's beginning to look like, I’ll offer it up for a future showing. If he says it’s nothing with naughty words, I’ll remind him there are saloon girls in Lonesome Dove and the term “poking” those girls is bandied around.
So there’s that.
Walking through the gate, taking the long way to the mailbox, I reached for the handle to open the gate and found a hole where the handle use to be.

Our security has been compromised.
I’m a little suspect as to who/why and hope our cars and our persons aren’t at risk and that management fixes the problem stat.
Though I’m happy with my 13-year old car, and plan to run her until the wheels fall off and parts are no longer available, I admit that – with so many new car suggestions on television acting subliminally on me, I’ve thought about trading her in and buying a Jeep. What’s stopped me is the fact cars have been stolen from this gated community. I figured I’m better off keeping what I have.
Now with the walk-thru gate open to any and all, it probably is not wise to be outside after dark or too early in the morning.
With nothing else on my mind, I've started a Pro/Con on moving to Nevada at the end of the year if told that windfall I received makes me ineligible to continue living here. So far, the pro side has no income tax and, with the IRS taking the lion's share of this windfall, that's important; but the con side has me having to run across Black Widow Spiders and Snakes as opposed to the regular spiders and lizards and crickets I deal with now.
Lastly,  I'll share with you what I saw on Facebook this morning that had me laughing so hard I almost broke my ribs. What’s going on in the political world is not funny per se, but the political cartoons are hilarious.

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