Saturday, March 19, 2016

Bring Your Own Cup, Day 2

Instead of coffee this morning, it was Slurpee.

This being the last and final day of the Bring Your Own Cup promotion, I upped my game and filled the larger of the two containers posted yesterday.

Didn’t compare to the guy who filled up ahead of me.

Fun over, it’s back to a sugar detox and clean eating.

On the way to 7 Eleven, I noticed the ominous green cross had been added to the pot shop across the street.

Yesterday, when I checked into the Community Room, there was a lot of talk about the shop and, as I expected, folks are expecting the worse.

There was also talk about the woman Creepy Guy had arrested. The Writer of Christian Literature had befriended the woman when she first moved in, has been in contact with the woman and says not only did she get evicted from here, she lost her job over having been jailed. And, as we’d surmised, it all happened because Creepy Guy had come onto the woman, saying something inappropriate, something nasty. The woman said, “You can’t talk to me like that” and, when Creepy Guy retaliated with something even nastier, she says she “lost it”, pulled out a box cutter and "may have taken a swing at him".

Poor woman, now depending on the kindness of friends and relatives, has lost everything because of that creep.

Priding himself on being a Buddhist, Creepy Guy is like no Buddhist I’ve ever known, is not a good representative of that religion, and has a lot to atone for.

Also yesterday, in the Community Room, I was asked to sign a get-well card for my next door neighbor.

Last I posted about her, she was all involved in what management should be doing, had gotten involved with a canasta group outside the complex, and consequently seemed to have risen above being depressed; but now I’m told she’s ill and keeping a low profile … something about nosebleeds and “deviated septum”.

I knew I’d not seen her for quite some time, but didn’t bother to check because I could hear her door open now and then, which told me she was still alive.

I’m a terrible neighbor that I had to hear from someone on the other side of the complex that my next door neighbor is ill. And once again, I see how an ailment is related to the principle of Cause and Effect. It doesn’t seem all that odd to me that, with the neighbor being kind of a nose-up-in-the-air snob, her illness has something to do with her nose. 

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