Thursday, June 22, 2017

Desperately Seeking

Desperately seeking a way out of reporting for jury duty on July 5, I did some research and learned that, if you’re over 70 years of age you can get excused on an “impairment”.
Realizing the issue with the gut definitely qualifies as an impairment, I filled out the Request to be Excused portion of the summons.
It was then I noticed, a doctor’s signature was required.
Emailing the doctor on Monday, asking for a time convenient when I could come in for signature, and receiving no response, I’d pretty much convinced myself the failure to respond was in retaliation for not submitting to unnecessary medications and unnecessary exams, which I feel the medical center is imposing on its physicians as a quota they must meet.
Oh well, thought I, it’s up to the Universe … if I have to appear, then I’m going to show up and hope to not have a gut episode that day.
No sooner than I had that thought yesterday -- releasing the issue to the Universe, when the phone rang. It was the doctor’s office telling me to come to the Reception Desk this morning, pick up a letter to the court the doctor had written excusing me from jury duty.
And not just that, but the doctor advised her office to make me aware that, because I’m over 70, I can request to be taken off the roster … permanently.
You’ve no idea how happy I am to be 73.
Age has its privileges.
Now if I could just get the DMV to stop with that written renewal test every few years. Plus, I’ve been advised that, because of my age, I’ll also have to take the driving portion next time.
Age also has its disadvantages.
Tomorrow is Movie Night here at the complex. Expecting a packed house because it’s a good one this time.

Yep. Apache remembered and accepted my offer.

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