Friday, December 4, 2020

Good News, Bad News, Suspicious News

The Red Flag Warning/Outages was lifted this morning, which means I’ve got a few days of peace before the power company suggests we prepare ourselves yet again.

I was lucky in that our power had not been cut.

My friend The Archeologist did not fare so well. She had her power cut on the 27th and again on December 2nd for a few hours and again on the 3rd until this morning.

It’s understandable the Archeologists would be dealt with more harshly than us, because she’s in the residential zone where they had that Hillside fire last year, which got so close to her home that, in the middle of the night, she had only seconds to evacuate.

I may not have to worry much longer about power outages, because management posted notices to our doors yesterday that they’ve been “working hard to insure” this complex will not be affected by another state mandated blackout.

Maybe Corporate has been pulling strings to get us exempted.

The notice went on to indicate management has partnered with a “Coompany” to install powerwall backup batteries for every building on the property. “These batteries will provide up to 4 days of power for each apartment if a blackout occurs”.

Sound good, but I’m suspicious because the notice went on to say “an application will be going out for you to fill out and return so we can get this program started”.

What’s with this “program” thing and why do WE have to fill out an application?

If I’m not comfortable with whatever is on that application, I’ll opt out and straight up tell management I don’t trust ‘em, that us residents should not have to fill out and sign anything having to do with what they do to improve THEIR property.

The notice also says we’re getting Security, “effective January 1, 2020”

I’m sure they meant “2021”, but really … insure, rather than ensure; coompany, rather than company; and 2020 is not something anyone wants to see again.

Security won’t be full time, all day security. Instead, they’ll show up at night, do a patrol, then leave.

I’ve seen the movies. I’ve seen how the bad guys surveil security — see what time they drive up, what time they move on, so a patrol here, a patrol there is not much of a deterrent. Bad guys will know when it’s safe to break into mail boxes, automobiles, climb the pool fencing to enjoy the jacuzzi.

Last attachment to the notice was a doozie … “Dear Residents, we have been notified that an employee who works here has tested positive for Covie-19 and immediately underwent self-quarantine”.

There is not a doubt in my mind the infected employee is Head Maintenance Guy (HMG) because, how many times did I mention seeing him, off duty and on duty, violating the mask mandate.

Especially egregious was the time I blogged seeing HMG walking around posting yet another notice to our doors about requiring US to comply with the statewide order to wear a mask, while he was walking around, doing the postings, while NOT wearing a mask as he did so.

Then there was that time I was in the Laundry Room, and he came in mask less, with a load to wash.

Fortunately, I had two machines, someone had earlier started laundry in the other two machines, and there being only four, HMG had to remove himself and go to the Laundry Room on the other side of the grassy knoll.

And it’s not just HMG, but his entire family.

I’ve never, not once, seen his wife and kids wearing masks.

And then there was the time I spotted a female family member of his bringing his sons home, from wherever they’d been that day. The woman was not wearing a mask, the two boys were mask less AND the woman was carrying a newborn.

Having seen HMG mask less more often than not is why I always give him a wide berth when passing him on the quad, and why I made myself scarce the day he and his assistant were entering units to change A/C filters.

I’d be very surprised, and it would not be divine justice, if the employee testing positive is anyone other than HMG.

He’s young, healthy, he’ll be fine. I just hope he’s not caused a problem for his fellow staff members and/or any of the residents.


  1. Young, healthy, and symptom free, but that doesn't mean he can't be a carrier. Looks like the whole country is about to pay a huge price for this deep-rooted ignorance/willfulness about masks.

    1. Will be interesting to see if, after his quarantine is over, he and his family will mask themselves. And, since he's been working so closely with staff, I'm thinking ALL of them should quarantine themselves.

  2. Replies
    1. LOL. And 2020 can take No. 45, his wife, his children and his supporters with it.

  3. So sorry about HMG's lack of safety features. What a mess. You take care.

    1. Along about now, I'm guessing he's the one that's sorry.

  4. HMG should be ashamed of himself, in his Position and violating the Mask ordinance in a complex occupied by Seniors, most of whom might not fare well should they contract this deadly disease rampaging! So irresponsible some people are and without conscience. I'm glad they might provide some backup for outages, but I'd be leery of signing off on anything either that could cause financial liability.

    1. HMG is a dick. Always has been, as chronicled in what I've had to say about him in this blog over the years. Does what he wants, when he wants, and management lets him get away with it. But I don't think they knew he was out and about not wearing his mask, putting not only us but, more especially, them in danger, all locked up in the office with him. Maybe this will break the spell he has over them, which some say is a family relationship ... he's someone's nephew.
