Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Pizza for Breakfast

Had an idea the other day that I could make a pizza crust from gluten free bisquick.

Sure enough, I found a recipe, gave it a shot with a topping of onion free garlic free tomato basil sauce, spinach, jalapeno, roasted red peppers, leftover cooked ground turkey and whatdoyaknow ... it was a winner.

So, it was pizza for lunch yesterday, dinner last night, breakfast this morning with an egg, and the last slice was today’s lunch, with a dab or two of avocado.

Still delicious. In fact, even better as all the seasonings and oils had marinated.

I failed to take a photo of the original pizza, but I did get a shot of the last slice ─ today’s lunch.

It’s otherwise been a slow week as I complied with the stay-at-home order.

Well, mostly complied, as I’ve opted to not let Covid or wind or rain interfere with my “essential” training sessions.

Preparing to head out on Monday, I spied a huge tow truck come through the gate and stop near Assistant Manager’s wrecked auto, which tow truck position blocked me from pulling out of my parking space.

Fortunately, I caught him before he began the process and asked him nicely to hold up and pull up a little so I could get out.

He did and the wreck was gone by the time I returned.

I managed an early trip to the market that day for supplies and, by the time I returned to the complex, my tracker logged me in at 1,081 steps ─ which mostly was circling the market, going up/down each and every row, as I vigorously searched for Ginger the Elf.

Did not find her.

Certain they’d forgotten to put her out, I asked if they’d forgotten as I was checking out and learned she’d sneakily been mixed in with a Christmas wreath.

I looked in that area a few times but, because Ginger fits in with the décor, I didn’t see her.

I’ll have to look more closely at every single item next time.

On Tuesday, lounging around in front of the television, I booted up PokémonGo and caught the new Pikachu.

Cute, but why no mask I wonder.

It was kinda scary when I was reviewing the photos I’d taken to see these pop up.

I didn’t see Pikachu being photobombed when I was snapping photos, so this is an interesting, albeit spooky, twist the developer has added to the game.

So now I’ve got a new activity. Taking photos of my catches just to see what shows up.

Today was my second training session of the week, after which I not only did not head straight back to comply with stay at home but headed completely out of the area for a quick in/out of the craft store for floss colors I’m running out.

The needlepoint project I began in August of 2019, is using a lot more floss than I’d prepared for, and taking far longer than I’d expected.

My first target date was to be able to present this great works to Twin 2 for Thanksgiving this year.

Not even close.

It’s also not looking good for Christmas or end of this year.

Not from lack of trying as I’ve logged in well over 2,500 hours, but because the pattern is so intricate that sometimes it takes me a week to cover a one-inch square.

My new target date is whenever it gets done, after which I’ll have time to catch up on my scrapbooking and devote more time to exercising ─ the indoor bike and outdoor walks.

After the craft store, I stopped by the bank THEN, being in the area of that market in the nicer area, I popped in for more gluten-free bisquick (they only had one box), pizza topping vegies, and ran across, without much effort, Ginger's sister Holly, riding the rails on the toy train.

Holly, like her sister Ginger, is also wearing a mask.

No further updates on Head Maintenance Guy.

My buddy Apache is still having issues with Bicycle Boy (BB), only BB is no longer on a bike. He bought a car, but I’ll still refer to him as Bicycle Boy.

Apache and BB have a court date scheduled for some time in January to iron out their dueling restraining orders.

I’m beginning to think Apache misses seeing me around on a regular basis.

He’s been hosting, what he calls, six-feet apart get-togethers on the lot outside his unit.

There were a few moon-watch parties he’d invited me to.

I’d declined one, two, three times.

Finally, he asked me why and not wanting to hurt his feelings by saying I wasn’t interested, I came up with because they were night events and I didn’t want to go out in the cold.

So, what did he do but arrange for a get together, noon, Christmas Day ─ he says, just so we can all get together and see each other.

Just to get Apache off my back, I said okay but, of course, I’m still not interested.


  1. you have been keeping busy, shirley; good for you!

    we got 2 large pizzas delivered yesterday from our local joint; we ate some and froze the rest.

    we are in the snow band here on the east coast; about 4" out there now; started at 2p our time this afternoon. we are not going anywhere, we have plenty of food and heat and light.

    1. Wow! 4" of snow. Would you believe I've never experienced snow.

  2. Onion free, garlic free, is me... too. I took me a lot of years to figure out what was tearing my gut up. If I eat anything with spices on it, I can feel it working it's way through my system for hours afterward.

    1. Oh no, not you too. There's a line of onion and garlic free products you might be interested in at

  3. In my world, breakfast is whatever you want it to be. Yours looks great.

  4. That pizza was a great invention and looks delicious!
    Apache thinks the world of you.
    Does Twin #2 know that you are working on a needlepoint for her?

    1. The way the needlepoint came about was Twin 2, who is the nostalgic one in the family, looking at needlepoints I've made for myself said "I want one" ... meaning a needlepoint made by mom. I started one for her but, halfway through, realized it did not reflect who she is. Instead, it looked like something her sister would want. So, I gave that one to Twin 1 and told Twin 2 why and said I'd started one I felt she'd like. So, yes, she knew; but it's been so long, she's probably forgotten. LOL.

  5. Oh, thank you. I knew you had completed one for Twin #1 and so wondered about this one. It will be lovely if she has completely forgotten and gets this any time it is ready as a super surprise. I am really impressed at the effort you are putting into this one. Imagine how you would have felt as a younger person receiving such a wonderful gift.
    Keep making these great meals!
