Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Global Running Day

It’s that time again ─ first Wednesday of June, designated as Global Running Day.
Running not in my DNA and no walking activities scheduled for today in my area, I pledged on the organization’s website to do 6 Miles on the indoor bike. So that’s my contribution to celebrating the sport of running, while also complying with homework assigned by Trainer.
I’m looking forward to World Sauntering Day ─ Wednesday the 19th a day set aside to remind people to slow down and enjoy life as opposed to rushing through it.
I’ll be letting the dog eat my activity homework that day, and I don’t even have a dog.
That unsuccessful search for a run/walk activity for today wasn't entirely fruitless, as I did run across and register for two up comings:

The Sunrise Stampede is within my driving radius, but Batman will require travel and an overnight stay.
No matter, I’m all over that one ─ even if it is an evening run and through the somewhat icky streets of Downtown Los Angeles.
Los Angeles has been getting a very bad rap in the news lately, because of the homeless population.
Cause and Effect.
If Los Angeles would put a halt to the burgeoning prices being charged renters for apartments, the working poor wouldn’t be forced to live in their cars and on the street.
Did you see the news article about rats invading City Hall?
The folks brought in to eradicate the rats, unsuccessfully thus far, say the invasion is a result of the mess left on the streets by the homeless encampments surrounding City Hall.
Impose rent restrictions so folks can afford housing.


  1. "Running not in my DNA..."
    Amen to that. Besides, my orthopedist told me no running or jogging. I said, not a problem.

  2. And you just missed the Rock and Roll Marathon and 5 K. I understand that was a lot of fun. :)

    1. Outside my driving range. Plus, the 5Ks in San Diego usually include challenging inclines.

  3. I agree that in most major Cities now 'affordable' housing is a thing of the Past... so I don't know where they expect people to live who have been priced out of the market? Enjoy your Runs, it's commendable you're still doing them... I probably should... a Trainer would be Helpful in keeping with Diet and Exercise Regimens!
