Wednesday, July 26, 2017

No Car for You

After talking the new car quandary over with daughter and she said, “I’d drive that Saturn until the wheels fall off, and wouldn’t count on any trade-in value” – which was almost exactly what I’d initially been saying, decision is made to forego the jeep for now.
So that’s off my bucket list.
Yesterday’s free pizza day was jaw dropping.
Being treated like Pavlov’s Dogs last week -- made to sit and wait 40 minutes, until 11:30 sharp before being told to line up, did not deter the seniors, not one bit, from showing up in droves.
I don’t think I’m a vengeful person, but I do believe there are lessons to be taught to others so, had it been me, I’d have not come back -- leaving Activity Director with a table full of pizzas to get rid of on her own. But the seniors did come back for more.
And more is what they got because Activity Director brought the pizzas in at 11:30, didn’t get them organized until noon, but then pronounced, “If you are not on the lease, I cannot give you a pizza. I have the list of people on the lease so, if you will line up five at a time, I’ll check off your name and unit number”.
Way more than five people promptly lined up.
The donations seemed smaller this time, but still quite a bit of everything – pizzas, cookies, bread sticks, chicken wings.
Old Guy went through the line and, while Activity Director’s back was turned, looking up names on the list, he once again grabbed more than his share and hobbled off on his cane.
The young lady who was pregnant at one time, and is only allowed to live here because she’s partner to an older gentleman that qualifies -- a man she refers to as “my old man”, was told she could not be issued a pizza because her name did not show up as lessee. After discussion with Activity Director, she went to her unit and came back with some sort of paperwork that Activity Director accepted. The young lady was then allowed to partake of goodies.
At one point, Activity Director looked up from checking the list, saw a woman outside, walking away on the pathway with two pizzas -- a woman she’d not verified. Would you believe Activity Director actually ran her down, made her bring both pizzas back, took them away from her and told her to get in line.
And would you further believe the woman got in line.
Once the initial crush was over, stragglers dropped in, checked with Activity Director, who was chatting with residents outside on the patio, her back to the room. Then Old Guy reappeared. I had to laugh because he was so obviously sneaking because he stuck his head in the door, looked around to see if Activity Director was watching, saw that her back was to the room, then entered and headed for the table to get more stuff.
That was when two residents had enough of his shenanigans. One stood up and said, “No! You’ve already been here”. The other said, “If you want more, you have to ask her (pointing towards Activity Director)”.
He pretended like he didn’t understand, like he does when folks have tried to stop him from opening boxes and handling pizzas, so one of the ladies headed outside to rat him to Activity Director. When he saw Activity Director stand up, turn around, look at him, he took off.
I don’t fault Activity Director for taking a hard line with the greedy grabby ones, but this morning was a little over the top.
Will any of the seniors respect themselves enough to not come back next Tuesday?
I don’t think so. It seems no indignity is too much to suffer for free pizza.
Will Old Guy continue sneaking around.
Stay tuned.


  1. I'm waiting for self-driving cars to be standard fare before I buy another vehicle. My Subaru is doing well with a few more miles than yours. It's just the right size for me and doesn't cost me too much to operate.

    1. Holy Smokes! I was just thinking about you because of what I'm posting today and, just before I posted, I checked mail and there you were. At any rate, waiting for self driving is an interesting idea.
