Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Instant Karma

Fourth of July was quiet around here … until about 9:00 p.m., then it was bombs bursting in air.
I looked out the patio and bedroom windows, trying to catch a glimpse, but the light show was on the other side of the complex. I would have had to go outside to watch, which is what some of the neighbors did.
Earlier in the day, I managed to finish laundry, log 6 miles into the San Francisco Challenge, and fix the problem with the improperly ironed and stretched landscape piece.

I even managed to lug the carpet cleaner out of the patio storage area, but that’s as far as I got with cleaning the carpet. I’ll get around to it tomorrow.
Instead, I got online and spent hours laughing at what clever people had done with Photoshop and that photo of New Jersey Governor Christy lounging on a “closed to public” beach – of which these are just a hilarious few.

Today, I headed out to the craft store to pick up floss for my next project. While waiting in line, I observed a grandmother and her two grand girls at the check stand. Took them quite a while, the line was backing up and, after all was said and done, they walked away without their purchase. The woman at the register yelled out, “Ma’am”, held up the package, one of the grand girls went “Ohhhh”, ran back, grabbed the package, and I laughed out loud.
I thought the scene was funny.
When it was my turn at the check stand, I gave the girl at the register my cell phone, so she could scan my coupon, paid for my purchases and, in the process of stuffing change and the cell phone back into my fanny pack and getting out of the way, so as to not hold up the next person, I walked away from my package.
I heard the girl at the register yell out, “Ma’am”, went back, grabbed my package and avoided making eye contact with those in line behind me who’d heard me, just moments before, laugh when it happened to someone else.
Wasn’t so funny when it happened to me, but serves me right.