Friday, October 16, 2015

Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot?

Back to getting a good night’s sleep … no stomach problems, no storm.

Checked on Tent Guy shortly after 9:00 this morning. His tent was down, which meant he was on his feet, somewhere in the area.

I also started up the car. Lights and radio were still copacetic so, barring unforeseen circumstances, weekend plans to jump out of bed at 3:00, drive way out of the area to face a difficult 1.60 uphill course, then speed fast-as-I-can 1.60 miles back down, are a-go.

At least I think I’m up at 3:00 because Sunday is also Fall Forward so, technically by losing an hour … 3:00 will be 2:00.

Sometimes I think its nuts to put myself through this. But then again, I enjoy the activity and I’m grateful that, at my age, I can still manage it.

I received a telephone call last week from a woman who was my best friend back in the 60’s/70’s.

She and I actually met on the job – she working in one department, I in another. When I’d pass her in the hallway, I noticed her friendly bubbly personality so, when we had an opening, I talked her into transferring from her department, where I later learned she was being sexually harassed by her Director. Her then boss -- the sexually harassing Director, didn’t like our stealing her, but when he tried to talk me and my boss out of it, I mouthed off -- “You can’t tell us who to hire.”

I still can't believe I didn’t get fired for mouthing off to a Department Director. Instead he stormed off and later tried to date me. I wasn’t interested.

This friend, let’s call her Eve, returned the favor.

When she had a vacancy in her apartment building, she alerted me and I moved from an area too rough for my sensibilities to her building, where she, her husband, our children, our friends all became extremely close – party together, travel together, looking out for each other’s children, etc.

Time passed, I progressed and moved on to better paying jobs, but we remained daily close until my girls were ready for high school. At that time, I relocated to get the girls into a different school district; Eve and her husband bought a house and also moved on.

No longer working together, no longer living in the same building, we grew apart. I’d get invitations to her girls’ weddings, showers, other special occasions, but feeling less and less like we had anything in common, because I was growing in one direction while she remained family-oriented and the same, I dropped out.

The kids were still involved – sent Christmas cards, attended a function here/there, so Eve always knew where I was, had my contact information and called to touch bases with me maybe once every six/seven years or so. This time she called to invite me to a monthly luncheon she’s started up with those still living and retired from the group we worked with back-in-the-day.

I didn’t remember but two or three of the names she mentioned as attending, and those I remember because of the kind of people they were -- immature, petty, competitive. Funny thing though, they were all asking about me, wanting me to come, which is what prompted the phone call.

I was surprised to be remembered after all these years, flattered to be wanted and more than a little suspicious. I’d like to think the girls have grown, but it’s more likely that, because I’m so much older than they, they've not and just want to see how life has worn me down so they can have something to smurk about.

Based on the official race photo from September’s Appreciation 5K below …:

… the girls would have been in for a big surprise.

I must admit there was a temptation to attend the luncheon, just to throw how life has lifted me UP, rather than worn me down, in their faces -- especially since Eve tells me some of them have developed health issues and one is using a walker, but that would have been wrong of me, so I declined … for now :-).

However, the call gave me a lot to think about, a lot to be grateful for. The fact I can still manage 1.60 miles uphill and another 1.60 miles down is a huge blessing.

Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot? There are a few from the past I wouldn’t mind seeing again, at least once before I leave this earth; but in this case, with the exception of Eve herself … yes, forget ‘em.


  1. Hopefully you have discovered by now that this is NOT the weekend we change the clocks to Standard Time. That will be the first weekend in November when we FALL backward, gaining the hour we lost in March when we SPRING forward.

    As for meeting up with your old coworkers, you should give it a try. They may have changed, and if you find they've not, then make an early exit.

    1. ROFLMAO. I didn't realize I had it backwards and that we "Spring Forward" and "Fall Back". Maybe it's because so many of the residents are actually falling forward that I thought that's how it goes. Thanks for the laugh at myself.
