Saturday, March 22, 2025

Up Close and Personal

Got a call from the Talker late Wednesday evening. "Did you move?" she asked.

"No, but I want to" said I.

Actually, I’m over that itch I had a few months ago to move.

After researching other living options, finding they were too expensive and many had the same management issues as here, some even worse, weren’t open space units like here but instead were built like little boxes stacked inside a big box, where I’d suffocate and be bored; and taking in consideration here is affordable, I have a great view from my patio and bedroom windows, how no one really bothers me, I let go of that itch.

I’m better off where I am.

So, anyway, I said to Talker "No, but I want to. Why do you ask?".

Turns out, rumor was I’d moved and, after being asked by several residents "Did Shirley move?", she decided to give me a call, find out for herself.

After confirming I’d not moved, Talker asked "Why would they think that?".

Nearest I can figure is, when the workers came to repair the patio that morning, they’d removed the patio furniture.

During the hours they worked on the patio, residents saw there was no furniture on my patio, observed two worker types going in/out of the unit for hours, put two and two together and came up with three ……… Shirley moved.

The Grapevine worked overtime that day, but with the patio furniture now back in place, that rumor has been put to bed.

Now that the concrete damage has been repaired, Adirondack chair back in place, it’s too bad I can’t enjoy the patio. Those dreaded lizards have taken a liking to the new concrete.

I can’t even leave the patio window open for air, as I fear the little bastids will squeeze through the screen, get inside.

There’s a baby lizard that keeps parking itself on the outside steps and, when I returned from a trip to Sprouts this morning, I saw two adults on the patio.

It’s a nice warm day and I really need the patio window open, so I went online to research "How to keep lizards away from the porch".

Google said, "If you have cayenne powder, hot peppers, or hot sauce, you have the key ingredients for a lizard deterrent. Fill a bowl or measuring cup with 2 cups of warm water. Stir the mixture well, then pour it into an empty spray bottle".

I have Chinese chili pepper powder in the cupboard — don’t know how hot it is because I was afraid to try it on my sensitive gut after going through the expense of special ordering it.

I’ve mixed the powder with water, sprayed the porch, so we’ll see how it goes with keeping the lizards away, so I can open the window.

Hubba Hubba Awooga Silver Fox resurfaced earlier.

If you will recall, he’s the resident that moved in August of 2024, that the women were all gaga about. The ladies described him as mixed with First Nation Indian Blood and some other blood type, wore a ponytail, which blood mixture and ponytail made him "too handsome for words".

He quickly was labeled "really mean/antisocial" because, as a result of thirsty women around here bothering him, he’d pronounced, "I’m sick and tired of women always chasing me".

I’ve seen him around a time or two or three and each time I sensed a devilish glint in his eye and a little flirting when he looked at me.

I've been careful to keep him at a distance by presenting myself as a polite, neighborly ice maiden.

Today was the first time he's caught me off guard. I didn't see him coming, reacted without thinking to chill, instead greeted him with a warm friendly "Hey" and a smile.

I was returning to the complex from Sprouts, getting out of the car, heard a voice, looked over. He was standing the usual polite distance away, on the walkway, but when I greeted him with a smile and a warm friendly tone in my voice, it was like a magnet drew him over to where I was standing at the car door.

When he got to where I was standing, I said something like, "How are things going for you?"

Don’t recall what he said, but he asked me how I felt about all this stuff going around about social security.

"It’s going to decimate this place", said I.

He said he was trying not to worry, and what followed was a pleasant and interesting conversation about what’s going on.

I gotta tell you. It was an oddity to find someone around here whose world extended outside these gates.

He was standing so up close and personal, as he talked, that I couldn’t help but check him out. Though I wouldn’t classify him as Hubba Hubba Awooga Silver Fox, I found him easy on the eyes — tall, good body, nice eyes, nice smile.

He reads as a "player", but players are not boring and, as I prefer being alone, I can't be played, wouldn't mind getting to know him.

As our conversation ended, he prepared to continue on to his car and I to my unit, he all of a sudden said, "Let me give you a hug".

The fact that I allowed his rather lengthy warm hug and told him, “You smell nice” (he did) speaks to my flirting back and signaling to him a willingness to have further talks; but he'll have to catch me when he can.

Patio window is now open to let fresh air in, and I’m not seeing any lizards, so I guess the pepper powder spray is working.


  1. Replies
    1. Funny you should say that because my newest tee says, "Even on my worst day, I'm still killing it", LOL.

  2. My daughter's dog loves to chase lizards. We have a lot of plants outside hence a lot of lizards. They don't bother me. Now roaches, its a Texas thing, send me running and screaming.

    1. Lizards are all over the property. We need outdoor cats. Roaches, spiders, creepy crawlies period, give me nightmares.

  3. Whoa. You let your guard down! The lizards will be more true friends than Fox. Little geckos will eat insects and skeeters. IF one comes in your place, just put a glass over it, and scoot the glass over the wall or floor till it's out of your patio door. Hawaiians just let them hang out inside or outside. Pretend you're in Hawaii. One Hawaii friend had one live on top of a wide-framed picture on the wall. They could give it belly rubs to go to sleep there. Just pretend it's the GEICO gecko. They're nice. Linda in Kansas

    1. You must be kidding .... me getting close enough to put a glass over it. Nope.

  4. Seeing workmen removing the furniture and sprucing up your patio it seems like a reasonable assumption that the unit was being updated for a new tenant.

  5. If you don't want that guy around, better keep your lizard spray handy!

    1. I'll keep that in mind, should I decide I don't want him around. BTW, how's that bag in the tree going? Has it disintegrated yet?

    2. It's been blown to a different branch but it's still up there.

  6. You’ve got it going on, like it or not. Let’s believe he just needed to feel an emotional connection to someone with a brain. Hugs can be very nice.

    1. "an emotional connection to someone with a brain" sounds right. I know his having a brain was refreshing for me.

  7. I was thinking this Silver Fox might be a nice friend to have in the complex but the sudden and lengthy hug after one chat bothers me. JanF

    1. Like Mitchell said, he was probably reacting to feeling a connection to someone he found around here with some depth to her, so a nice friend might work for both of us. But, like Taylor Swift said, "a player's gonna play". So, if the hug was part of his game, and he's expecting I'll now chase, he's gonna learn I'm way ahead of him.

  8. You'll probably have to reapply the lizard repellent after rain storms but it will be worth it.

    Players can make interesting friends if they understand you'd not interested in their games, kind of like being their female wing man. Good for a few laughs and muscle when you need to move something.

    1. To stay lizard free, I'm spraying the patio every time I open the window. A little paranoid, but so it is, LOL. And you're right about players making interesting friends. There's just something about hanging with a bad boy.

  9. My neighbor called my daughter over to get the lizard her cat cornered in her bathroom the other day. I hardly ever see any here.

    1. LOL, that's what I'll do if one gets inside. Call a neighbor.

  10. If Silver Fox can be happy with the friend zone, why not go for it? I'm sure you know a stalker when you see one, LOL!

    1. We'll see how it goes. All depends on his next move and his next and his next. He'll have to keep coming, catch me when he can. Funny you should say "stalker" because the windows of his unit overlook my parking spot. I don't think he's stalking, but he can easily see my goings/comings from there.

  11. You're too deep to play the silly games of the other ladies fawning over Hubba Hubba Awooga Silver Fox. I'm guessing he admires that about you. Either way, any more exchanges and hugs will certainly get the rumor mill going.

    1. Even if we stay friendly neighbors, you can bet just one sighting of the two of us together will get the grapevine going.
