Monday, March 17, 2025

Keeping Calm and Shamrocking On

If I’m wearing green lipstick and my four-leaf clover tee, you can be sure it’s St. Patrick’s Day.

Other than that, I’m in survival mode, keeping calm and shamrocking on as I wait to see how this regime is going to screw up my remaining retirement years.

Looks like I’ve survived this month — my Social Security hit the bank in a timely fashion, the check I wrote for federal taxes owed was cashed, the teeny tiny refund check from the state arrived, and I'm have eggs in the fridge.

I don't require a lot, don't strive for anything other than peace and harmony in all areas of my livingness, so right now, everything is copacetic on this end.

Taking things one month at a time, unless something wonderful and miraculous happens, as TikTokers put it "to the two or the three, not just the one to be effective" (read between the lines) to change the direction things are going, there are another 46 months to go where I’ll be holding my breath each and every month.

This month’s Activity Calendar did not make its way to me, so no idea what the seniors are up to, except that I saw another long-time resident move out yesterday.

That’s three since the first of the month.

Two moved because they were no longer able to care for themselves, but the woman who moved out yesterday, was fit and able, which has me wondering if her moving has something to do with something going on I don't yet know about or maybe, whereas I'm okay this month, this month turned out differently for her.

As for this month’s Activity Calendar, if you will recall, management stopped posting the calendar to our doors in January. Now, if we want to know what activities are scheduled for us, we have to sign up for Rent Café.

No one I know has signed up for that so, unless one just pops into the Community Room to see if anything is going on, we remain in the dark.

That first month without the calendar, the Activity Director (AD) sent one to the Baker, who transmitted copies to us.

I figured the AD would get in trouble with Manager for that and though I don’t know for sure she did get in trouble, I’m guessing she did as she hasn’t done so since; and it looks like Manager emphasized the point that keeping us informed was not AD’s job, when she (Manager) herself sent the next month’s calendar to those of us who communicate with her via email.

No calendar from either this month, so who knows what if anything is going on.

I may have to squash my phobia of outside being too peopley, head down to the Community Room tomorrow to find out for myself.


  1. It's a scary time for people living on a fixed income, especially when that income is social security and your waiting for President Skum and Vice President DonOLD to send your payments out!

    1. Very scary. I fear some of us won't be able to keep calm and handle the strain.

  2. I'm shamorcking too! Green undies, and two shamrock shakes tonight. After my Irish dinner of course.

    By time the four years is up we may all be living in shanty towns.

    1. Two shakes AND dinner. You're going to have to walk that off tomorrow.

  3. Good job celebrating St. Patrick's Day.

  4. I missed green shakes this year, I'm bummed about that.

    It's a scary time to be living through when you're on a fixed income and a boy-child is calling all the shots in our government right now. I can't stop being angry about that.

    1. I miss the green bagels and can't remember the last time my sensitive gut allowed me to have a shake of any kind. There's lots to be angry about, but nothing lasts forever.

  5. Happy St. Paddy's Day, Shirley! May the luck o' the Irish be with you if you have to gather intel at the Community Room...

    1. LOL. If St. Patrick could be around all those snakes and not get bitten, I think I can survive a short espionage visit to the Community Room. 🎩🍀

  6. Your St Pat's outfit and lipstick rock! Glad you're okay and have eggs.

  7. I call my congressman frequently ( I get his machine) and I tell him how worried I am about social security and these random 20 year olds who now have my bank information. And because I am me, I really put it on about how I am an old lady now and I saved all my life and worked hard for my social security and how concerned I am it will be taken away. And today I got the third copy of the same stinking form letter that says "doge and elon musk are not government employees and that congress did not employ them" And then "he will consider my comments if this should ever come before congress" . Which means crap.

    1. Bless you for trying. Thing is they already know we worked hard for social security, are concerned it will be taken away, but the three just don't care and others are too afraid of being targeted by the three to do anything if they do care.

  8. yes it's spooky. gonna be lots of protests by old hippies if they jack with SS. linda in kansas

    1. I have a sense some of those who protest will be women who stupidly voted for the Mad King.
