What?!, you didn’t know that, never heard of it.
Truth be told, I never heard of it either but, when I went down to the Community Room yesterday, to check out the seniors, I saw Activity Director had put out potato chips, salsa, guacamole, for an early celebration of Chip and Dip Day.
She didn’t have many takers, only Upstairs Lady — the resident who has problems with her legs, walks by propelling her body from side to side, and the new lovebirds — Dream Lover and Lu.
The love affair seems to be going strong, as I see the two carving a path on the walkway, going back/forth to each other’s unit, Lu looking adoringly at Dream Lover when I saw then in the Community Room, constantly touching his arm, shoulder, back.
A partner constantly touching me would drive me bonkers. I'd lose my shiz, grab and toss his hand away (I did do that once, when Michael, the drummer I dated back in the day, kept moving his fingers along my shoulder), but to each their own.
As long as Lu has her car to drive Dream Lover where he wants to go — he doesn’t drive, continues to supply him with homecooked meals — feed his stomach and ego with the adoring looks and touching, this one might take.
So, anyway, no intel of interest to be gleaned out of those three, I just said hi and goodbye.
I did find printouts of the monthly Activity Calendar, stacked up on a side table. So, I guess that’s the new method of getting the calendar to us …… check for printouts in the Community Room.
While in the room, I also noticed the Baker wasted my time, printer ink and 25 sheets of paper, when she had me revise this month’s Bingo flyer.
I’d already given her flyers to distribute and post. There was a date change, so she asked that I reprint.
No problem I.
She also asked me to add a blurb, saying it was because, "I've got to do something" about the noise ……… people talking, making it difficult for others to hear numbers being called, etc.
Again, no problem.
So, at the bottom of the flyer I added the words she'd given me, "Reminder: Please keep voices quiet when we are calling bingo, or if someone is calling bingo back to us."
I just knew some of the bingo players were going to be offended, weren’t going to like that blurb and, in the back of my mind, I kinda thought the Baker thought that if I thought she was doing something about the noise …… that gave me a headache last time I attended, I’d return to bingo.
I’m over bingo, won’t be returning under any circumstances.
At any rate, I saw the Baker had not posted the revised flyer with the blurb. Instead, she’d penciled in the date change onto the original flyer, posted that one.
I guess she too knew some of the players would be offended and, people pleaser that she is, chickened out.
She’s not like me. If I were going out of my way to arrange bingo, so the residents would have something to do …… using my time, my energy, my money to provide prizes, even baking cupcakes and providing other treats for break time, and you couldn’t respect or appreciate me enough to not steam roll all over me with your talking after I’ve constantly asked you not to …… the Baker even once had a rubber squawking chicken that she’d squeeze to quiet the room down, and last I saw brought a bell to ring to quiet the room down; if they nonetheless persisted, failed to comply with bingo etiquette, as they do, I’d pick up my bingo equipment and pull an Eric Cartman "Screw you guys, I'm going home".
I definitely will not go back to bingo.
I got a call from Manager yesterday, that guys were coming in to fix a problem with my patio this morning, would be arriving at 8:30 AM.
When Head Maintenance Guy did his pre-inspection before the Regulatory Agency was due to arrive for its random inspections, he spotted an area on the patio that appeared to be peeling.
He indicated, at that time, it wasn’t a big deal, that I was not likely to one day step out on the patio, find myself crashing down to the first floor.
When the Regulatory guy toured my unit, I saw the Inspector and Head Maintenance Guy looking at and having a conversation about the area.
I guess it was then decided it was a big deal after all, needed to be repaired.
This morning was a workout day, and with the guys set to arrive at 8:30, to patch up the hole, I was sure I’d be able to keep my 11 AM schedule.
Didn’t work out that way.
What I thought was a patch job, turned out to be a complete patio redo, estimated to take all morning.
I had to text Trainer that I was giving him the morning off.
BTW, last Wednesday marked my 6th year training at the Pain Cave. My first session was March 12, 2019.
I've told Trainer that he’s the longest lasting relationship I’ve ever had with a man.
Though Trainer still tries to "push me … build", unfortunately there’s a lot my 81-year-old body won’t now let me do. So "cross fit" has slowly morphed into "maintain fit".
The work on the patio began early — 8 AM. The guys completed and left at 12:30, with instructions for me to wait until tomorrow to put patio furniture back in place.
I originally had a wood floor patio but, when the current management group took the complex over in 2012, they replaced the patio floors with concrete, and did so without entering the unit …… they went up and down a ladder.
So, though I don't understand why the guys didn't use the same manner to do the work, so I didn't have to stay home, watching the process while working on that never ending needlepoint project was interesting.
The guys put down something that looked like chicken wire over the existing patio, poured concrete, sanded the concrete down, finished by painting the concrete.
Painting the concrete was new to me, it looked fine as it was, but whatever.
The guys were respectful, affable and managed to do all the work without getting a speck of mess anywhere inside.
I'm with you on that Bingo bull*hit: I'd either bring a small air horn to blast the noisemakers to shut 'em up or give two verbal warnings & stop the game altogether. If people are so offended by being asked to be quiet so everyone can enjoy the Bingo game, then they should go play elsewhere! Or better yet, let the rude oldsters organize and run things off into a ditch for a change. IMHO, Baker needs to grow a spine and stop being a people-pleasing doormat.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about the Baker needing to grow a spine. Her backing off on situations, once trying to get me to back off, be like her, when that Black Witch was acting up in bingo, came for me and I let the BW know I was not the one, spineless stuff like this makes me think less of the Baker.
DeleteWell, Happy Anniversary to you and Trainer!
ReplyDeleteYou were nicer in the Quiet Please Blurb.
And the new patio looks ooh-la-la inblue.
LOL, thanks. We're passing on the traditional 6th Anniversary Iron gifts.
DeleteHey, nice new patio! And happy anniversary to you and Trainer!
ReplyDeleteThanks! We've not gotten sick of each other yet.
DeleteI don't understand why they had to come through the house. The only time I saw it done they definitely used ladders.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand not using the ladder either, but it is what it is.
DeleteThe new patio looks fabulous, but it would have been nice to have more warning and to be given more of a time table for the work. Great that the guys were respectful of your space.
ReplyDeleteThey were super polite. Asked if it was okay before touching and moving anything. Cleaned up behind themselves, and thanked me for my patience when they left. But it would have been nice to have them work around my availability. However, with this Manager, I should be happy they didn't just show up without my having been notified they were coming.
DeleteAt least you have a brand new, presumably safe, and cheerful looking patio. I’d nix BINGO, as well. Happy for Dream Lover and Lu, but it would. make me crazy to have someone constantly touching and stroking me, no matter how much I loved them.
ReplyDeleteShe could have settled for a dog or cat, if what she wanted was a pet to stroke all day.
DeleteFunny spot on the patio. Glad they got it fixed. Linda in Kansas
ReplyDeleteThat spot may have been a bit of earthquake damage.
DeleteChip and Dip Day is something I could celebrate! I can't believe that you and Trainer have been together for six years.
ReplyDeleteI'll be having chips, salsa and coffee for lunch come Sunday. I can't believe six years either and, to Trainer's credit, he has others who've been with him even longer.
DeleteThe deck of my apartment has that same kind of flooring. Same color paint as well.
ReplyDeleteI won $45 the last time we had Bingo day here so I'm going back. And every so often the caller has to remind people not to talk. You get old people together it's going to happen.
$45 is a good payday. If we played for money, the room would be overflowing with residents. Management won't allow it. Something about needing some kind of special insurance to handle money. As for old people talking, that's exactly what happens. Instead of getting together to chat, catch up, gossip, outside on the complex, they wait until they see someone they want to talk to at bingo, and it's on.
DeleteThe new patio is fabulous and all included in your rent! I think I may have told you about a friend in a 55 Plus community who got "shushed" in Bingo by the caller. She was bothered by it and quit ... then, after some months they were scrambling for a new Caller so she offered to take over. Now she is the "shusher". JanF
ReplyDeleteIt had better be included in rent because it's their property that was damaged. Plus, I didn't request the repair. Besides, they don't do requests, LOL. Your friend now being the shusher might be the answer to others talking in bingo. Maybe the Baker should tell them that, if they want to talk, they can trade places with her and be Caller, see how they like trying to work over the noise.
DeleteI like the blue color. It should reflect sunlight well.
ReplyDeletePerhaps that's why they painted the concrete ... aesthetics, curb appeal.