Sunday, January 26, 2025

Where’s George?

It’s a freezing cold and rainy day here in the Inland Empire, but no complaints because the power is on.

Fortunately, when I was out and about yesterday, I stopped by the market. Didn’t get much, basically shopping for two days at a time these days, as I’m still not ready to trust the power to stay on.

Any rate, I’m not so desperate for anything that I have to head out in the rain today, but tomorrow is a workout day and who knows what we’re in store for.

So, snug as a bug in a rug today, I’m avoiding depressing news, catching up on recorded TV programs and working on that never ending needlepoint project.

Please tell me I’m not the only one to remember how, back in the day, we’d track dollar bills by serial number, as the bills circulated across the country through a site called Where’s George.

If this doesn't sound familiar to you .... In the late 90s early 2000s, when the internet was fairly new, Where's George was a game that involved dollars stamped with the message "currency tracking project/track me at WheresGeorge".

If and when one of those stamped bills came into our possession, we’d go to Where’s George, check to see if the serial number on the bill was listed and, if listed, we’d input where in the country we’d found it, then send it back into circulation to travel elsewhere, be found by someone else.

It was just a fun thing to see how far the bill would travel.

Although the game started with tracking the trail of dollar bills with the specific message "currency tracking project/track me at WheresGeorge", it caught on and people began writing other messages on the bills — none of which I can recall, except it became something like the message in a bottle craze.

Thinking back, I'm not at all certain it was legal to write on/deface money, but it was done.

Looks like it's still being done because, when I went to pull cash out of my fanny pack to pay for groceries yesterday, I found a bill with a message.

We love you Mac

It's a $20, rather than a $1 bill, but I nevertheless looked for the old Where's George site, found it's still up.

Not only is the site still up, it appears to be active with stats showing where and under what circumstances the bills listed came into the finder’s possession, like "I got it the Brookdale Dollar General, Got in a McDonald’s as change, A gift for a holiday in a card, Arcade Bar in Lincoln Nebraska, Received in change at a gas station in Vermont", so on and so forth.

So, anyway, the $20 I’d gotten as change somewhere in my goings was, of course, not listed as only $1 bills are, but Where’s George looks like a fun thing to bring back in these troubling times.

Maybe I should log in my $1 bills, write on them messages — such as "Have faith" …… "This too shall pass" and other such messages of hope, send into circulation with instructions to "track me at WheresGeorge", see where they land.

As for whoever this Mac guy is, my guess is he's not worthy because, if someone had written such a message to me, I'd have treasured the bill, framed it even.


  1. Here in Canada, there was a fad a few years back for people to alter our $5 bills so the prime minister depicted there (Laurier) would look like Elvis instead.

    1. Now that's funny. I googled it and could not find the Elvis but did find Laurier as Mr. Leonard Spock of Starship Enterprise. HILARIOUS!

  2. I remember tracking Where's George bills. Hadn't thought about it for a long time.

    1. Me neither and totally surprised the site is still up.

  3. Wow I've never heard about this, 'where is George'. But what I really gathered here is you said it's gonna rain. Isn't that a good though for L.A ?

    1. Not "gonna rain" but is raining. And yep, not good news for the burn areas of LA.

  4. I’ve never heard of WheresGeorge. I had a friend in the ‘80s who had a rubber stamp made that read GAY MONEY. She stamped every bill that passed through her hands.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 and I hope those bills landed in the offering tray of the anti-gay Westboro Church.

  5. Thanks for a fun memory! Nice to know the site is still active. Sometimes I’d get a dollar with the URL stamped in hot pink.

    1. Lucky you. I've not seen one of those bills in eons.

  6. I'm old and don't remember this trend. I usually spent the money faster than I could look at it. Linda in Kansas

    1. Now that I've brought it to your attention, one of those bills, or a bill with a message, will probably land in your hands.

    2. Great! I'll look for twenties! Linda in Kansas

  7. I remember the "Where's George" thing. I don't think I ever played tho'. I'm not watching The News but Friends feel the Need to inform me of the Hi-Lites of the most unthinkable goings on of the Insane Clown Posse. They are rounding up Native Americans in Urban areas like Phoenix... guess he's toying with making all Indigenous not Citizens again... well, they were only granted it in 1924, so, how very progressive of him to roll back to the 'good ole days' and perhaps another attempted Genocide if they're no longer allowed off the Rez?

    1. At this rate, concentration camps and slave traders will be back in business.

  8. Replies
    1. Looks like I'm not alone in remembering the simple pleasures we engage in back then.

  9. Darn. I never heard of that. Too funny. I'm going to check it out.

  10. Yes! I loved tracking my bills. That was a fun site.

  11. I just saw a reference to that game in a crossword puzzle today. I had never heard of it before.

    1. How about that. Coincidence or did I know, days ago, you'd need the answer for your puzzle.

  12. I remember the Where's George tracking site. My husband was fascinated with it. Most bills, we found, didn't travel very far at all. And by the way, it is illegal to deface money like was done to your $20 bill.

    1. I figured it might be illegal, but I don't see the harm and might go through with writing positive messages on my bills. Maybe not register them on where's george, because if the feds want to come after me for defacing, they could easily find me through the site.
