Friday, January 17, 2025

My Box Runneth Over

My mailbox that is.

I’ve been stewing for over a week because the post office's Informed Delivery Notification system showed a red top I’d ordered had been delivered, but I never received it.

Jumping to the conclusion the postal carrier had messed up, placed my package in the wrong box and the resident receiving had decided to keep rather than turn over (it’s happened more than twice here), I decided I’d had enough of dishonest people and planned to keep an eye out for someone on the property wearing my top.

I visualized myself approaching the individual, say "Nice top, but you do know it’s stolen". Ask if they are the one that received all the other misdelivered items.

I wouldn’t want the top back. Just to embarrass the culprit, let the person know I was onto her.

Along with stewing over the missing top, I began obsessing that the postal carrier might misdeliver my Luigi Mangione candle, due to arrive any day.

Informed Delivery notification indicated today is the day Luigi would arrive. So, after this morning’s workout, I headed straight for the mail box and found the box filled to the brim, stuffed and spilling over.

When was the last time you checked mail? I thought to myself and figured it to have been December 27.

The holidays really messed me up. There was just too much going on during, shortly after, then came the outages. So somehow, I just totally forgot to pick up mail.

So anyway, Luigi arrived safe and sound.

Also in the box was that red top Informed Delivery indicated had been delivered, but I was stewing over having not received. It had been sitting in the mailbox all along.

Tax info in the box reminded me it’s tax season, so I’ve got that to take care of and fortunately, my utilities are automatic payments, so I wasn’t in danger of any shutoffs because I didn’t see the bill in the mailbox. (That too has happened. My renter’s insurance got cancelled because, even though I did pull the bill from the mailbox, I put it aside and forgot. Oh well).

Also in the mail I picked up today was a nice surprise gift from blog friends Dawn and Princess T.

Thanks Ladies!

Today is no bingo Friday, so I won’t see any residents to find out if they saw Bicycle Boy on the property yesterday.

However, heading to this morning’s workout I caught a quick glimpse of a favorite couple of mine, driving in traffic on their motorized wheelchairs, headed to the bus stop.

Winds now gone, safe to drive on the freeway, I'm off to the tire place tomorrow to check on a slow leak. Then See's Candy to medicate myself into an I Don't Care frame of mind to get me through knowing that not only one, but two of my favorite country western music favorites (Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts) have gone over to the dark side, will be performing at the inauguration.

I won't be watching, but just knowing they've sold out, put money and getting in with the ruling class over personal integrity, is disappointing.


  1. Glad you got your parcels and mail all safe and sound!

  2. "I put it aside and forgot."
    Been there, done that.

  3. Glad you didn’t go on a rant to the Post Office and didn’t accuse a red-top wearer of stealing it! I would be so nervous “driving” in traffic on one of those things!

    1. That was my first thought after realizing my mistake. That thank goodness I didn't go all Karen ... complain and make a big deal.

  4. You must have a good sized mailbox to hold so much.

    1. I guess, as they managed to stuff in two packages, two magazines, regular mail and a bunch of those throwaway sales papers.

  5. Well I'm glad you found all your stuff.

  6. Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine arrived too yesterday!!!!! And after you commented to my drag nun post...from here on I'm calling you Sister Shirley!!!!!

    Just imagine someone else getting the box, and not being honest and opened it up?!?!?

    1. That title sounds right as my first career choice was to be a Nun. Not that I was all that religious. I just wanted to be away from people, and I did cosplay as a Nun once in the past, but my costume wasn't near as fabulous as the one you pictured. If folks weren't so uptight here, I'd recreate the costume you depicted, but with a closed back area, LOL. If Luigi had been misdirected, I'd have been really seriously displeased but would buy another with a delivery service that would bypass the postal service.

  7. I am missing something here--you get notices from USPS that certain mail will be delivered that day, but you don't go check your mailbox? Did you expect the mail carrier to bring the packages to your door? I live in a single residence house and that is often the way we get packages that we have been notified would be arriving.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have no defense, other than had so much on my mind that I read the notification then completely forgot to check the mailbox, not just to retrieve that top, but forgot I even had a mailbox to check for weeks.

    2. P.S. With so much packed into the mailbox, I bet the postal carrier was beginning to think I'd passed away.

  8. Lots of political organizations are recommending we have our TV on during the inauguration but have them set at a channel that doesn't cover it like a movie channel or HGTV. That way it will help drive down his ratings for the event and we all know how much that matters to him.

    1. I'll be watching my normal shows. If that helps to drive down his ratings, well fine and good.

  9. There's a lot of that going around. (the Carrie and Rascal thing)

    1. I just read Snoop Dog has signed up for the inauguration. This is reminding me of nazi collaborators.
