Waking up this morning, realizing today was bingo Friday, I first blurted out the F word, then tried to work up the courage to not go ……… call the organizers, say I didn’t want to continue taking the photos.
Courage did not come. So, I put on my big girl panties and headed down to the Community Room after this morning’s workout.
What with the Holidays and power outages, the seniors had not been able to play bingo since December 6th — which for me was a Godsend, a nice vacation.
Others felt differently because, so anxious were the residents to get bingo back on track that, when I popped into the Community Room to reserve my spot, the room was already full of residents waiting for bingo to hurry up and get going.
Even though I won the first game, my focus was on how to bow out.
Though I don’t like to lie, am not good at lying, I tossed around the idea of lying …… saying I’ve changed my workout schedule from 11:00 to 12 noon, which would preclude my continuing to attend.
Then I thought how complicated lying would be …… the old "Oh what a crooked web we weave when first we practice to deceive".
For one, someone would see me either heading for the Pain Cave at my normal time, returning with time enough to head to bingo. I’d have to stay away for an additional hour or so, or somehow sneak back into the complex.
Lying was going to be too much trouble. Back to the mental drawing board as the games played on.
The room was unusually noisy during the games today.
I thought to use that as a reason to bow out — the noise giving me headaches, but that would have been another lie.
The noise was bothersome to the point of giving me a headache, but I wanted out for the simple fact I wanted out …… didn’t want to do it any longer.
Not exactly sure why today was so noisy, other than seniors being inconsiderate and a caretaker, with a very loud voice, trying to explain/help the two foreign language residents she brought with her understand the game, and simultaneously control the Alzheimer resident she takes care of.
I didn’t find out until after the games that Alzheimer was an issue with the lady. All I knew was that she kept holding up her arm, as though she’d won a game, argue with the others at her table that "I've got it", or she’d occasionally yell Bingo!
Inasmuch as I was seated closest to her, the Baker, who was calling the games, became confused as to whether the lady had actually won a game, and would ask me to check her card for a win/settle their arguments.
It was no bingo, no bingo, no bingo, so on and so forth ……… until it was because, sure enough, one time I checked, and she’d actually won a game. At which point, the caregiver said no.
Now, I’m confused ……… telling the Baker, "I see a bingo, but I'm being told no".
It ended with the caregiver saying to ignore it.
Why is a mystery to me.
So, anyway, at the end of bingo, the Baker tells me that, because the seniors went so long without bingo, we’re going beastmode — back to back, with Bingo next Friday, then return to the normal every other week schedule.
Conversation in my head was "I just can’t do it …… I don’t want to do it".
Once back upstairs, having decided I wasn’t going to do it, I ran various scenarios through my head as to how to announce that decision, and ended up texting the Baker that I’ll be happy to continue doing flyers for her, but I won’t be able to continue attending, take photos.
During today’s game, and on other occasions, I’d observed Talker taking photos; and, since she always attends bingo, takes great photos, I suggested Talker could take over that duty, send photos to me and I’d post on the website; that I’m happy to help the organizers in the background with anything they need, but won’t be attending in person.
I was hoping she’d accept my resignation, not put me in the position of saying I don’t want to do it, but noooooo.
She immediately texted back, "What’s wrong. Did someone say something to you?"
I texted back, "Nothing like that. You know me. If something like that had happened, I would have handled it. I just would rather help in the background".
So, hopefully, that’s the end of that and I can joyfully shout "Free at last, free at last, Thank God almighty free at last" without further explanation.
On another topic, Margaret this morning posted about seeing a post that stated we have to check our social media accounts because 45/47 and others of his ilk were attaching to our accounts, had us as following them.
She checked and, sure enough, her account or accounts showed she was now following them.
I figured I’d better check my accounts, and though I didn’t see 45/47 or anyone associated with him, I did show I was now following White Grandma (grandson in law’s uptight judgmental mother).
I would never.
In fact, when White Grandma showed up as following me, I’d hit delete.
I’ve no idea how follow happened, but I’ll be keeping an eye on my social media accounts to make sure 45/47, his flunkies and White Grandma don’t engage.
Re: Bingo photos - "No" is a complete answer. It is not an invitation to a negotiation. It sounds as though your season as the bingo photographer has passed and it is now time to let someone else have a turn at it.
ReplyDeleteWill Jay
I have a feeling this isn't over. Questions will be asked. The only one I think brave enough to get in my face about it is Talker. She'll want to know what's wrong. I'll just tell her I don't want to be around people right now and haven't wanted to for a while, which is true.
DeletePoor Alzheimer's person. She might get too over excited if there's a win. If she doesn't fit in that activity well, the caregiver should direct her to something else. Not an easy task. Just the noisy room isn't usually a place for confused, dementia patients. Hang in there. Linda in Kansas
ReplyDeleteI think I'll be hanging better now that I no longer have the drain of sitting for 2+ hours in bingo, wishing I was doing something else.
DeleteDoing the posters and online posting of photos is still a big commitment to bingo. There's no law that says you have to take the photos too.
ReplyDeleteTrue and hopefully Talker, who loves socializing a lot more than I do, will take that part over.
DeleteWouldn’t it be nice if No was enough of an answer and you weren’t obligated to explain yourself?
ReplyDeleteThat would be nice and appreciated by me.
DeleteI immediately checked too. I was not connected on any social media that I could find. I wish I had excess to some of the get togethers yall have but I'd be good for 5 minutes and then want to go home.
ReplyDeleteIt's weird how they can create followers, and the thought of for what reason is troublesome.
DeleteNothing unauthorized on my social media accounts, but you can be sure I'll check on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI too plan to check on a regular basis.
DeleteThankfully I haven't had any problems with my social media accounts thus far. I uninstalled TikTok on my tablet and don't plan on going back even if the ban is lifted permanently. I'm using Instagram to watch videos now. Hopefully you won't have to go back to Bingo again.
ReplyDeleteThey couldn't pay me to go back to Bingo.
DeleteI think you figured it out. Just say no.
ReplyDeleteWasn't easy to say.
DeleteI just say No when I don't want to do something, nobody really needs an explanation, No means No. It's too much torment and aggravation to be doing things we don't want to do or don't have Joy in the doing of. At least you Won tho', so, that was Nice.
ReplyDeleteI've just always had a problem saying no to people I'm close with, for fear of hurting their feelings. Maybe the trick is to not get close with anyone in future.