Just as I got out of the car to head inside the Pain Cave for this morning’s workout, I got a phone alert that power in the area was out.
There was enough sunlight streaming in through the windows that the front room of the cave was workable for classes. However, the personal training area is in a back room, no sunlight.
So, with no electricity for the equipment I work on, no light in the area, no music, I just said hello/goodbye to Trainer, "I’ll see you on Wednesday …… If power restored".
Knowing soup was needed to get through this outage, but all out of vegetables, I headed across the street to the market.
Cashier was telling me they do have a generator, but it doesn’t kick in until needed to save the frozen items.
There is a shield that comes into play to keep frozen and cold items frozen/cold until the generator kicks in, and you can see one of those shields in the above video. Otherwise, the store generally has a few hours before that generator kicks in, lights turn on.
In the interim, everything else works, but in the dark.
So, anyway, I was rocking and rolling with the outage as I returned to the complex, prepared for no TV, burners but no oven to bake the salmon I'd planned for the day, that I'd have to pan fry it.
Meat Man was driving out of the complex, as I was crossing the parking lot. He pulled up, wished me Happy MLK Day, gave me a pep talk about you know who's second term, saying "We've survived worse" …… he's right, and "God is in control" …… right again.
While rewarming my morning coffee in a pot on the stove, I heard a clicking noise.
Checking around the unit to locate the noise, I noticed it was the printer rebooting.
That only happens when the power has been turned off and, because the printer is attached to a cord in a wall outlet, it automatically reboots when power is restored.
I checked further and, sure enough, TV and laptop powered up. Power was back at 12 noon, had only been off for an hour.
Thinking this might be some kind of a trick, I'm now online posting this quickie before power goes out again, which I expect will be in any second as the winds are still howling.
As far as this business about today's event being moved inside because of the cold, I'm not buying it.
I'm not watching any news today, so I don't know if the news channels are showing what's going on outside the area, but I find I have temporary access to Tik Tok on my laptop (not my phone) and the following is what I'm seeing.
Thousands protesting (not millions as I previously commented). They don't seem to mind the cold weather.
Before the power company kicks me offline, I'll leave you with this ……
That meme!!!! Spectacular!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the honest to God truth about him.
DeleteI wish the news coverage had showed the protests going on in Washington on this dark day. The most horrifying thing I saw was that asshole Elon Musk smiling and giving a thinly-disguised Nazi salute (twice) after making a speech thanking Americans for electing Trump.
ReplyDeleteHe can make a nazi salute, no consequences by you know who, but you know who let loose on Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee. Make this make sense.
DeleteThis has nothing to do with the weather making it be inside. I was at the inauguration for Pres Obama and it was just as cold. The cheeto doesn't want anyone to have a clear shot or anyone to see the small size of crowd. I saw on the news (yes I still watch DC news) that all the hotels had TONS OF VACANCIES. They were startled by that. HA. So there ya go. I was hoping for the clear shot that would ricochet to musk. A twofer . Yes, I'm going to hell.
ReplyDeleteThat's how I see the move .... he's scared of being out in the open and doesn't want to be embarrassed by small crowd size.
DeleteI’ll have to keep Meat Man’s comments in mind cuz there sure isn’t anything else that’s giving hope right now. That damn Musk is worse than Orangie. Kudos to Michelle Obama for sticking to her principles.
ReplyDeleteI just wish Obama had the balls to break with tradition, not attend.