Saturday, January 11, 2025


Hearing a second outage is on the horizon, it’s been challenging to decide what food products to bring back in, especially almond milk and eggs that I sorely need.

Then, I remembered that in the past, when I’d go to family eating events, I would use a Portable Electric Cooler Bag to transport meals I cooked for myself.

If When the refrigerator goes out again, the bag will be perfect to keep eggs and milk and other food items cold, so I pulled it out of storage.

Thing is, the bag needs a source of power so, after much searching, I found a portable solar generator that I can pick up in a day or two — plenty of time before spoilage sets in if power goes out today.

So that worked out, plan for today was to head to Sprouts for supplies. However, when I got in the car, saw how strong the wind was, it was NOPE ……… I’m not getting on the freeway, drive out of the area scared out of my wits the wind will blow the car over or a truck will fall on me — like the terror I felt last time I braved the wind.

I pivoted, drove to the corner market, settled for store brand products.

Pulling into the lot, ready to park, I saw this happen ………

My bad. I saw it coming and should have honked to get their attention, but didn't think fast enough.

It appears to have been just a tap.

The old lady’s car wasn’t damaged, and though I didn’t see any damage to young blood’s car, you know how young men are about their vehicles. He saw damage.

At any rate, it was all very civil as they exchanged insurance information and didn’t feel the need to involve me as a witness, which might be a mistake on the old lady's part.

Both were equally at fault and, if young blood wants to make an insurance issue out of it, a witness would have been helpful. Especially a witness with a drive cam.

In the last post, I’d replied to Mistress Maddie’s comment about candles, saying that I wanted to add the Luigi Mangione candle to my collection.

"Is there one?", Mistress asked.

There are literally dozens being offered online, from sellers I'm not familiar with. However, I've found a seller that’s done right by me in the past. The seller offers two Luigi's ……

Tempted to order both, because of that million dollar smile, I opted for the first one.


  1. Wind? maybe dangerous at times on a highway. Oklahoma is not the state for you to move to. Hope your power cooler does ok. That parking lot tap looks like it was pretty equal fault to me. Love the candle. Linda in Kansas

    1. I've seen trucks on their side, blown over by the wind. That parking lot tap didn't even warrant exchange of info so young blood could report it to his insurer. Silly boy.

    2. I live alone and use milk solely for my tea and baking, I switched to powdered milk some years ago and love it! JanF

    3. I recall using powdered milk back in the day. Don't recall why using instead of liquid, but whatever works.

  2. I don't have any advice on eggs, but you can buy shelf-stable almond milk and keep it in your pantry for emergencies.

    1. How do you mean shelf-stable ... powdered?

    2. Not powdered, but pasteurized to not need refrigeration. Most of the large grocery stores here carry it, but Google 'shelf stable milk' and I bet you'll realize you've seen it before.

    3. Hmmm. Learn something every day. I'll look into it.

    4. Yes, I buy shelf-stable chocolate soy milk, in individual serving size, for my morning mochas. There are also almond milks in the small size so you only use the one at a time and don't need to worry about refrigeration. They have actually been around longer than the ones in the dairy case.

    5. I've only seen the one size, but small would work for me because that's all I ever need.

  3. The solar generator and cooler bag solution is a great idea!

    1. They do say necessity is the mother of invention.

  4. Oh you're a dear!!!!!!! I want one!!!!!!!! Right next to my Amy Winehouse and RuPaul prayer candles. I hope you have no more outages. It does get to be hard to keep food.

    1. Mine is on the way. There's plenty remaining for you and Jennifer. Food wouldn't be an issue, I could survive on canned soup and ramen noodles, but for the fact I have so many food allergies.

  5. Sounds like a good plan to keep your food safe if the power goes out.
    And lucky, or unlucky[?] for the drivers that you had a camera on them. Looks to me like they both screwed up.
    Lastly, a Luigi candle??? I love it! Saint Luigi!

    1. They did both absolutely screw up. Even steven, not an insurance issue ... unless young blood lies about the circumstances. #freeluigi

  6. The winds in California are frightening right now. Good to stay close to home. I had no idea there were so many “personality” candles readily available.

    1. Heavy winds, fires, outages, looters, utter chaos ... the Universe is very angry about the orange menace's return to the throne.

  7. We used to have a lot of power outages in Arizona in the 1970s and 1980s before they put most Cables underground instead, now we almost never have them. It's costly but long term, saves a lot of utility issues to Residents and Businesses from outages and losses that creates. Hope everything plays out well, Dry Ice is an option to keep things colder longer.

    1. I don't trust myself around dry ice. Safer to stick with a solar generator and electric bag.

  8. Sorry you're dealing with outages, but we know how tough you are.
    Our new vehicle has a backup camera, but I still prefer looking over my shoulder for situations like what you witnessed.
    I like the first Luigi candle as well.

    1. The jeep has some kind of signal when there's a car behind me or coming from an angle. Of course, it sometimes doesn't alert, so I have to always look, keep looking as I backup slowly.
