Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Still a little drawfy yesterday, but less so than the two previous days, I made it through Monday’s workout.

Waking up today, I’m once again feeling my usual self and may even log in some walking miles …. that is, after I check on Activity Director’s promise to bring in pots for the plants we started last week.

Removing the starter pots from the windowsill this morning — to take down to the Community Room in anticipation of replanting into a pot, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the seeds had taken root.

Now that I know I can actually grow plants in the windowsill, I’m thinking of starting a little garden — try my newly acquired green thumb at chili peppers and cherry tomatoes.

After yesterday’s workout, I popped into the market for what supplies were needed to get through the week should we get the predicted storm.

Arriving back at the complex, a black car was parked sideways across from my parking space, making it challenging for me to turn in and get parked. However, after a bit of wrangling, I made it into my spot and was about to exit the car when I heard the Little Knock Knock’s voice.

Looking in my rear view, I saw her running around the black car with one of her uncles.

What did I do?

I sat quietly, waiting in the car for her and him to drive off so I didn't have to interact with her.

That’s right. I sat in the car and hid from a six-year-old.

Only, they didn’t drive off right away. Instead, they removed something from the car and headed back down the walkway towards Talker’s unit.

So I sat and I sat and I sat waiting to see if they’d be coming back to the car to unload something else.

When they didn’t reappear, I began thinking I could grab the groceries and make a dash for my unit. So, I opened the car door and quickly closed it back when I heard her voice again.

Truth be told, the Little Knock Knock has an uncle that is movie star handsome. I wouldn’t mind HIM knocking on my door day and night and, had he been the one with her yesterday, I would have turned into a complete hypocrite — gotten out of the car, played nice with Knock Knock, maybe even feigned helpless and finagled movie star into helping me get upstairs with groceries.

But it wasn’t he with her yesterday, so I stayed hidden until they finally drove off.

If she's going to be hanging around all week until the move, it's going to be a long week.


  1. Little Stalker's move can't come soon enough - things you gotta do!
    Congrats on the sprouts.

  2. Maybe NEXT time she'll be with her movie-star-handsome uncle, lol!

    1. If I must run into her, it would be worth it if he's with her,

  3. The scene of you in the car would appear in a sitcom.

  4. You had me in stiches, Shirley. "Oh God, leave....just leave". I've said those very words. Not hiding from a child, but 'adults'. Plenty of them! LOL!
    Paranormal John

    1. What's needed is a Cloak of Invisibility, so we can appear and disappear rather than hide.

  5. "sat in the car and hid"
    Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

    1. Always and, since I'd just picked up groceries, there was plenty to eat in the car should the hiding gone on for hours.

  6. That's funny. Most of the kids around here stay away from me because of my dog that doesn't like most kids. He barks at them and tries to eat them. lol Maybe you need a yappy dog.

    1. From what I've seen, she likes dogs and they like her, so yappy would not work; but that's interesting that yours barks and tries to eat children.
