Sunday, March 22, 2020


On the way to the University this morning, to complete the Hot Chocolate Virtual 5K, I popped into the market for fruit.
Lo and Behold, they had eggs. No limit.

They also had chicken. No limit. I didn’t need chicken, so I passed on that but, when I saw ground turkey, I ended up doing a little shopping/restocking.

Inasmuch as some facebook friends had been looking for eggs, I posted “eggs/no limit” and my haul.
One friend thanked me for the info, drove over, got eggs and milk.
Another friend lambasted me for purchasing Guerrero tortillas, not the Romero brand. And she was serious, even added a frowny face to her complaint.
Well, damn! thought I.
I just grabbed tortillas, didn’t look at “brand”. Just picked up what my eyes went to, checked the expiration date, and moved on.
Evidently, her husband delivers Romero to the stores and she took offense to my not purchasing what supports her husband’s job.
Here’s where I wish I could be more honest with people.
I said I’d grabbed Guerrero because they’re gluten free.
So is Romero”, she replied.
Not thinking of what else I could come up with to appease her, I folded, apologized for not purchasing Romero, said I would next time.
But I won’t.
The more I think about it, the more pissed off I become.
I don’t even like her husband, and wish I could have told her that. And now that I know her husband delivers Romero ─ plus annoyed at her lecture, I’ll go out of my way in future to purchase Guerrero. Wish I'd had the guts to tell her that as well.
Me thinks the stress of this pandemic is causing normally nice people to lose their mind. And reacting to their reacting, is making me mean. LOL. 
At any rate, in spite of news reports of lack, limitation, worsening awfulness, it looks and feels like everything is back to normal around here ─ except the toilet paper, sanitizer, paper towel isle is still empty, but I have a feeling that too will be rectified during the week.
After dropping off the groceries at the complex, I got back in the car and drove to the University, a little hesitate about walking …. not sure if I was breaking the Governor’s edict, because I thought I’d heard on the news that “outside exercise is prohibited” but wasn’t sure if that was something being done elsewhere, not here. However, on the drive, I became embolden when I saw quite a few people out walking and running along the avenue.
Arriving at the college, I had the whole campus to myself. It was just me, myself and the squirrels.
Having watched too many horror and zombie movies, envisioning someone or something hiding around ever isolated corner, ready to pounce on me, I decided to stick to the out-in-the-open perimeters, which meant asphalt.
My feet are now killing me, but I got ‘er done. Earned my swag ─ which the organizers, using the honor system, had pre-mailed.


  1. My Mexican friends have told me to buy Guerrero because they are the most like homemade. You made the right decision.

    1. Good to know, and I'll use this info as ammunition should I need to defend myself in future. LOL.

    2. Just ate a couple of my Guerrero flour tortillas with the bean soup I made this morning. Very tasty.

    3. I'll bet they were tasty. I used to love the flour ones, more so than corn, but when I had to go gluten free found I didn't like the GF flour ones. They crumble instead of fold.

  2. That's great. A day of eggs and legs!
    I am glad you got your swag.

    1. Thanks! No idea if and when another opportunity for a 5K will arise.

  3. I should get some exercise in today. Before midnight while it's still today.

    1. There's always tomorrow and the next day and the next, so on and so forth. LOL.

  4. Good for you earning your Swag and glad you played it Safe since it does feel a bit like a Zombie Apocalypse or Twilight Zone Episode out there, doesn't it?! Yes, anyone presuming to tell me what to do or buy would make me go Dark Dawn I imagine... so I'm glad that I haven't gotten into any testy discussions online and surely we're not Socializing in Person anymore... so I'm Good for now and haven't gone Feral yet! *Winks* I think there is some Hope that if Cali is stocking their shelves adequately now, perhaps Arizona might be next, coz we're still out of everything everywhere and I'm glad I got my stash in order enough we can manage without lack.

    1. I can't send eggs, but if there's something else you need, I'll be happy to check our stores and send you a care package if found.

  5. This whole thing has made people lose their minds and that's why I've stayed home. My daughter on the other hand had lost her mind and has stockpiled enough stuff for a zombie apocalypse, She brought me over a 25lb bag of flour and sugar Sunday but wouldn't get out of the car due to social distancing because she doesn't want to spread germs to me due to me being in a high risk category.

    I'm glad you're doing well and hope you continue to do so. Keep on keepin' on. And keep the faith!

    1. That's a lot of flour and sugar. Hopefully, you've got eggs so you can turn those supplies into what the universe intended … cookies, cakes, biscuits.

    2. I was thinking the same, who uses that much flour and sugar? A bakery?

  6. Somebody needs to put your friend in time out so she can see that no friend-connections is a worse than boring place. This is definitely not a time to piss-off friends.

    1. Right you are and as people change because of this stressful period in history, some friendships will get stronger, others fall by the wayside. I'm going to let this one go, not hold it against her but, if she pisses me off again, I may have to hurt her feelings.
