Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Seniors Behaving Badly

The seniors had a Valentine’s Potluck on Tuesday, hosted by Activity Director.
After yesterday’s workout, I popped in.
Walking through the Community Room door, greeting the room with a hearty “Good morning folks”, I was greeted in return with dead silence.
Making my way around, snapping photos, I greeted folks at individual tables.
Still nothing, lol.
I don’t think it was personal, had anything to do with me. Folks were either deep in conversation, deep in stuffing food into their faces or the vibe in the room was down because The Seer was present and sending out bad energy.
The Seer can bring a room down with her always looking angry, since hooking up with Shadow, and her thinking and sometimes saying out loud that she hates everyone in the complex.
She may be particularly aggrieved at the residents because one of them was rude to my little 12 year old friend ─ The Baker’s granddaughter, at last week’s bingo.
The Baker tells me someone in the room yelled at my little friend saying, “Why are you here? You don’t belong” and that my little friend was so hurt that she won’t be coming back and Baker is so hurt that Thursday’s Valentine Bingo will be her last involvement in helping the Residents Volunteer Activity Committee host events. Which probably means ─ no egg coloring, no community breakfast, no cupcake or cookie decorating events in future.
The Baker said she doesn’t know who in the room said it, but I can’t believe no one stood up and called the speaker out. Baker herself should have read the room, saying “I don’t know who said that but BLA BLA BLA BLA!” given them the riot act but said she didn’t because she was afraid of what she’d say.
That’s bull. Instead, she’s walking around upset with plans to do one more bingo ─ because she’d already purchased party supplies, then she’s out. 
I’d be petty about it ─ bow out of bingo immediately, leave the seniors high and dry, toss the party supplies in the trash because you don’t reward bad behavior, and the entire room behaved badly by not challenging someone being rude to a child ─ especially a helpful child who, along with her GG, have done so much for the residents here.
I can see how knowing this would further alienate The Seer.
Back in the days when The Seer was nice/interesting/fun ─ before she hooked up with Shadow, we’d talk and she told me of how lonely she was when she first moved in ─ had no friends, no one talked to her. She said the Baker was the only person to reach out and befriend her, so the Seer is grateful and protective of the Baker.
The way I see it now, things have regressed to The Baker once again being the Seer’s only friend, other than Shadow who’s brought the Seer down, chased everyone away.
At any rate, for whatever reason, the vibe in the room was brrrrrr.
I stayed just long enough to take photos and get caught up a little, but forgot to ask Apache, who was present, why so much moving out/in activity because the Baker blew me away by not only telling me what was done to hurt my little friend at last week's bingo, but also saying Apache got a lap dance at the bingo before last.
That’s right. You read correctly. He got an unsolicited lap dance.
That new resident I’d blogged about making, at the decorating party, what I was sure was meant to be an X-rated cupcake, got up from bingo and danced in front of and on Apache’s lap.  
So obviously I read her correctly at that time.
I didn’t learn what, if anything, was said by others in the room watching the spectacle, but Baker said, “If you don’t think THAT got reported to the office” and left it at that.
Before I exited the room I teased Apache with, “So, I hear you got a lap dance”.
He giggled.
“Did you have to pay for it?”, I further teased.
“No ...... she paid me”, said he.
That resident, a married woman I might add, is making quite a name for herself as the rumor is she’s coming on to all the guys.
She’s not old and she’s not ugly so who knows. Just saying.
I’m off the laptop and outa here in a few minutes because the doctor has ordered a non-fasting blood test.
The wind is down today, and there’s no word of an outbreak of the Coronavirus in the area, so I’d better get going, get it done, while the getting’s good.


  1. There's never a good excuse for bad behavior and being rude and hurtful to a Child is certainly where I would have come out of the bag and been gunning for whoever said it. The others were complicit in being silent instead of standing up for a defenseless Child. I'm surprised that the Baker didn't defend her Grandchild with more vigor and put the screws to the group... like you said, she could have exacted some consequences for their bad and unacceptable behavior. I don't like when any Adult is mean to Animals or Children... or even to Vulnerable Adults... it's Cowardly.

  2. Although I am generally outspoken, I can see where I would have been so astounded by someone picking on the child that I wouldn't know what to say. It might be one of those when I got home I would think of the perfect thing to say. Sad all the way around.
