Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Rainy Day and Smoke Detector Hell

Not a lot going on for us seniors this month.
The monthly calendar is bare and the activity calendar is nonexistent.
I was at least expecting continuation of the annual Christmas Party ─ not a potluck, but a party management has, for the 7 years I’ve lived here, gifted us seniors for Christmas. But it’s not on the calendar, so that’s that.
Activity Director didn’t even bother to put out a calendar, which leads me to believe she’s the latest to jump ship.
I’ll have to catch up with the seniors to verify Activity Director is still working here or not.
So us seniors are on our own for activities this month. And I expect the Residents Volunteer Activity Committee will step up and host Cookie Decorating and a Holiday Potluck.
I just hope Cookie Decorating is on my non-training day or, at least, scheduled for a time I can attend.
Speaking of a non-training day ... today, Wednesday, is my day off. A day I was hoping to run errands, but noooooo.
It’s raining cats, dogs, the smoke detector is acting up yet again, and I’m struggling with the munchies. Want to eat everything in sight.
Fortunately, in keeping with my clean-eating regime, all I have in sight are broccoli, carrots, mushrooms ─ which I’ll roast in the Air Fryer and try to convince myself are popcorn, candy, cookies. ROFLMAO!
On another topic, I’ve not been keeping up with the Impeachment Hearings, because I can’t handle getting invested in the process, and the end being he’s not impeached.
I’m trying to maintain an it will be what the Universe/Infinite Spirit wishes it to be.
I did, however, see an article where 45 complained of Justin Trudeau as being two-faced.
I commented ..... "Well, if he is two-faced, at least both faces are handsome".
I resisted the urge to point out 45 has just the one and its vacuous and ugly.
I can’t wait for all this political crap to be over. It’s been daily torture, one thing after another, since the last election.


  1. The roasted carrots are almost like candy to me! I have become quite hooked ever since I ( recently) began making them. 375 degrees for 35-40 mins in the oven.
    Can you eat nuts? We buy smoked almonds and a handful of those with just a few dark chocolate chips are delicious.

    1. Roasted carrots are even more addictive when air fried, 12 minutes at 390. And yes, I can eat almonds. Never tried them smoked. Will have to look into that.

  2. We had a Thanksgiving to-do here but I didn't go because I can't hear in the community room. For some reason all the voices bounce off the wall. I haven't seen a December schedule now that you mention it. I do however have two new neighbors. One lady moved in the Quad across from me this week and they are preparing another apartment in the Quad on the other side of me. I hope one or both turn out to be interesting people.

    1. That's so odd. Several residents said they avoid the Community Room here for the same reason … the acoustics. Noise bouncing everywhere, especially troublesome if they wear hearing aids. Let us hear about the new neighbors when they arrive.

  3. Justin Trudeau learned a hard political lesson. Don't talk trash when there are cameras around.

  4. Well, you're right, Trudeau is Handsome and 45 just Gauche... no wonder the World is laughing at him, such a spectacle that he is! So sorry to hear the Activity Directors dropped the ball on providing an activity calendar for the Seniors on a Holiday Month when some may have no Family or Friends to spend it with! Our December is stressful on account of the non-existent Move, all packed up and nowhere to still go... I'm so fed up with Seller Games already!
