Why oh why did Head
Maintenance Guy pick yesterday morning, when I was on my way to the foyer to slip
Starbuck gift cards in all staff stockings, except his, to both smile and wave good
morning to me.
As a refresher, I was
leaving him out of gifting as a lesson for not doing right by me and because it
is my belief that bad behavior is not to be rewarded; but after he smiled and
waved, I felt awful for leaving him out. So awful that, remembering the bible
verse that returning good for evil (a show of forgiveness) is like reaping
burning coals on the person who was unkind to you (shames and makes the offender
feel guilty), I relented, drove to Starbucks, picked up another gift card and
dropped it in his stocking.
I’m torn.
On one hand, I feel
better for having done the right thing, spiritually speaking; but humanly
speaking, I’m a little angry at myself for caving in because I’ve never ever
actually seen this returning good for evil work on the offending party. I’ve
seen it come back and create good in my life from other avenues, but I’ve never
seen a change in the offending individual.
I guess that’s the
point of this lesson – that it’s not about what HMG does/doesn’t do, it’s about
me not putting the negative action into the universe of deliberately leaving
him out, thereby creating bad karma to come back and bite me in the butt.
So, whether HMG goes
back to being lazy, unresponsive, giving me side-eye, or whether he continues
this new course of smiling, waving, I think I’m done skewering him on this blog.
Just remember, I did say “think”, so don’t hold me to it.
Today looks like
another free day to focus on the latest never ending needlepoint project.
You did the right thing.