Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Are We There Yet, Part 2

Why did not one of you tell me Thanksgiving is not until next week?
Here I was planning, pulling out luggage, ready to pack tomorrow THEN, wondering why the hotel has not sent me a reminder, I double-checked and discovered I’m booked to arrive next week, NOT this week, because Thanksgiving and the Trot are not until next week.
Do I feel like boo boo the fool?
Why yes ... yes I do.
Holy cow! Thinking this was the end of the month, I even paid my rent for next month and already posted a Happy Thanksgiving message on the blog.
Oh well, looks like I’ll be in the pain cave this Thursday, rather than hanging out with the brood. And it’s a good thing I learned of my confusion before I informed trainer in today’s session that I’d be absent Thursday and gifted him that gift card, because he would have laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed, and held it over me like I’m planning to tease him about not knowing what ROFLMAO means.
Fortunately, only you blog readers know of my faux pas, and I'm sure you'll have one good laugh about it and move on.
Actually, knowing I’ve yet another week to prepare has me feeling less stressed.


  1. I had not been by your blog until late on Tuesday so when I read Monday's post and your Thanksgiving greetings, I wondered if you were off on your dates. Thought perhaps you were taking a long break and trip with your family. Then I scroll up and see this post! Ha!

    Actually, this year Thanksgiving is the latest it can be. I'm not too sure when it was this late, but quite awhile ago. We go right from the Thanksgiving table to the first of December!

    1. I think I was just anxious to get Thanksgiving over and done with and get to Christmas, a favorite, because of all the decorations.

  2. Sunday I thought it was Monday. I thought I'd missed a post so I threw a quick one out there. Shortly after I realized it was Sunday and took the Monday post down. Then I reposted on Monday but I added this...

    Knowing what day it is can be tough when you're retired. I can see this scenario happening...

    I fall down and the paramedics come.
    They ask, "What day is it?"
    Me, "Hell if I know."
    Them, "What's today's date?"
    Me, "Are you kidding? That's a harder question than the day."
    Them, "Well what year is it?"
    Me, "2000 something."
    Them, "Who's the president?"
    Them, "He's OK."

  3. Hahaha. I have to constantly look on my phone to see what day it is. I honestly didn't catch it.

  4. I noticed but thought you, being so super organized, were even more prepared than normal!
    It's OK to be early with these plans. J
