Sunday, December 15, 2024

Six to Twelve Seconds

At the drugstore Friday, after that morning’s workout, picking up photos I’d sent to be developed, I looked for Christmas ribbon, because I didn’t like how the ribbon I was using on the White Elephant Gifts was turning out.

The selection of ribbons at the drugstore was woefully inadequate, so I headed on over to Walmart.

While there, a young man stepped in front of me, said "Hello".

I wasn’t born yesterday, instantly put the intrusion into perspective and said, "What are you selling?"

"I’m not selling anything, just saying hello".

"Young good-looking men always have an ulterior motive", said I.

That elicited a smile, but didn’t throw him off his game as he continued by asking me who my cable provider was and trying to lure me over to discuss "deals".

Like I’d assumed ……… Ulterior motive, but I escaped and went on my way to still not finding ribbon I liked better than what I already had.

When all was said and done, I ended up wrapping all three gifts in the same butcher paper and did a better job of using the ribbon I had on hand.

So that project is done, and last year's roll of butcher paper has been depleted.

Also done is my Christmas shopping.

The great grandbabies are not on my Gifting list this year, because 1) they have too much stuff as it is, 2) are too young to expect a gift, and 3) they are still very much enjoying last year’s Christmas gift — the Mickey Mouse Airplane.

Once they outgrow that airplane ……… or destroy it, or get old enough to expect a gift, I’ll add them to my Gifting list and find another big something.

That left me with just the Mail Lady and Trainer to take care of.

So, on the way back to the complex from Walmart, I popped into Starbucks and got gift cards — $25 for the Mail Lady, $50 for Trainer.

Responding to the Barista’s friendly questions as to who the cards were for, he said Mail Lady was going to be jealous Trainer’s got more on his card than she does.

Obviously, that’s not going to happen, but I played along, rationalizing the difference by saying "Mail Lady gets my mail right, but Trainer keeps my body going".

Saying that, about keeping my body going, reminded me of a study I’d read about a few weeks ago.

The study suggested the ability to balance on one leg might be a "key indicator of well-being and healthy aging".

There was a chart attached to the study, which chart broke down by age the length of time one should be able to stand on one leg.

I decided to test it out.

As you can see, I was off to a rocky start, but did manage 6 to 12 seconds at the end.

Those numbers place me a little over what is expected in the 80+ category, but with five years of cross-training, three times a week at the Pain Cave, I thought I'd do better.

Guess it takes practice.

Will you try?

If you do, let me know the results.

Don't fall.


  1. Now and again I try this. For fun , if time permits, I will stand in front of my oven when I am going to bake. I try to stand on one leg until the oven temp goes up by 5 degrees, then alternate legs for the next 5! I can amuse myself fairly easily at almost 80! JanF

  2. The gifts are lovely looking I say, and that's coming from a very visual person! Now for me it's says I should hold for 37 seconds....but I made it for a minute 10 seconds. I'm am still limber you see.

    1. Thanks and not surprised at your results. From photos you've posted, I can see you have very muscular legs, strong roots.

  3. According to that test, I am 80+, thank you very much.

  4. My average, on a carpeted floor, was about 3 seconds but I did get it to 5 or 6 seconds a couple of times. And I'm approaching 85 years old in a few months.

    1. 5 to 6 seconds for approaching 85 is right on target, according to the 80+ numbers. You still got it.

  5. I got to 2 min. and stopped. I used to be a competitive figure skater in college. Maybe that helped? So, at 76 ain't doing too bad. I walk 1-2 miles a day and have lost 82 lbs. in the last year. Became vegetarian! Anyway, hope the balance holds out as that's a huge issue as we age.
    Paranormal John

    1. Good Lord, John. That was amazing. At 76, you broke the chart, and what method did you use to lose all that weight? BTW, did you see the Hell on Wheels update I posted for you on December 7?

  6. I do a lot of standing on one leg when I’m doing different things. I’ve never timed myself. The gifts look wonderful. Smart decision about the great-grands!

    1. "Smart decision about the great-grands!" ... I'm the practical one in the family.

  7. 3 seconds. puuhtooie. Send me a gift card and I can probably increase that. I like your peppermint ribbon on the butcher paper. I've tried to find plain flat Christmas color ribbon for years, and I don't think they make it anymore. The cloth and fabric ribbon section of stores seems to have more choices of what I'm looking for. Linda in Kansas

    1. 3 seconds is better than zero. The ribbon is from last year and, believe it or not, I found it at Ralphs Supermarket.

  8. A while back I posted about standing on one leg when I used my electric toothbrush, which vibrates every 30 seconds. I got to where I could easily go that long, then stopped. I realized yesterday I should resume the habit. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. I still love your packages and would gladly take one of yours at the gift giveaway. As for the 30-second stand on one foot, I can do that. Checked to make sure a few weeks ago when I saw the article. The article that I read said that if you can stand on one foot for 30 seconds and are over 60 then you have a better chance to live another 15 to 20 years. Balance is so important.

    1. Thanks. I'm happy with the way the packages turned out. The study I read also said balance is important to prevent falls.

  10. I love the wrapping paper job you did, they look great. I timed myself and I lasted 35 seconds.

    1. 35 seconds is great. We are a fit group of bloggers.
