Monday, September 12, 2016

Visit to the Dentist

Arriving at the dental office, I booted up the Pokémon Go app and began checking the area.

No PokéStops, but plenty of Pokémon.

Walking to the door of the office, I added a new capture to my collection (a list called Pokedéx), several common Pokémon, then shut the app down for my visit.

Today was x-rays, cleaning, and dreading confirmation there was indeed a cracked tooth.

It was a fresh new face, substituting from my regular long-time-dentist, that handled my last visit and found the cracked tooth. Maybe his vision was better than my regular guy, maybe he was just trying to drum up business but, whatever his motive, I didn’t mention those findings to my regular guy, and regular guy didn’t find anything wrong. So, unless and until something starts to hurt, I’m going with it ain’t so.

My long-time dental hygienist is an older lady – much older than the other girls in the office and, I'm now guessing, probably not into the latest craze because, after the cleaning, while she was scheduling my next appointment, I once again booted up the app and what do you know … there was a Rattata on her lab coat.

I took a photo, captured the creature and, showing her the picture said, “There was a Pokémon on you.”

She looked aghast.

“Who did that?!”

“They’re everywhere”, said I.

She then began to hit at the back of her lab coat in an effort to shoo away whatever was there.


Hours later, the image of her panicked look and swiping away at the back of her coat, keeps popping up in my head and I start laughing all over again.

Before leaving the dental office, I captured two Growlithe at the receptionist’s desk and encountered an Eevee in the lady’s room. That one got away because I was indisposed at the time it showed up and, by the time I was disposed, it had run away.

Leaving the dental office, I turned around to see what giveaway treats were on the counter and saw the office is capitalizing on the Pokémon Go craze.

It says, "Catch some Pokémon at Hospitality Dental for a chance to win a $20 gift card", and all one has to do is take a screenshot of what is captured inside the dental office, post it, tag the dental office, and best photo wins $20.

How clever of them, and what fun for its clients.

Had I know, I’d have had the app running the entire time I was inside and taken more and better pictures, as only the one on the lab coat came out well.

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