Friday, November 15, 2024


And not just any Friday, but a bingo free Friday. Which meant that, after the morning workout, I did not have to rush back to the complex, waste three hours on bingo.

Instead, I stopped by the market for supplies, returned, locked myself inside, did as I pleased the remainder of the day.

It was difficult to decide what to wear to the morning workout, because it was raining when I awoke.

Thinking long sleeve top, boots, rain jacket, umbrella, I was thrown off when rain stopped and the sun came out.

Just when I pivoted to regular wear, the sun went away and the rain started again.

From there it was rain then sun shining — vacillating off/on minute by minute, and even rain with the sun shining at the same time.

It was wild.

Then came a downpour, followed shortly by the sun shining, outside quickly drying up.

I took it all to mean the Heavens are just as upset, disturbed, pissed off as we are about what’s going on down here.

When all was said and done, I stepped out in boots, a warm hoodie, carried an umbrella and, of course the weather changed. I needed none of that and was burning up in that warm hoodie by the time I walked into the Pain Cave.

Trainer’s class of fighters-in-training were ending their session as I entered and, as usual, I greeted all with "Namaste!". Which, in my world translates to "The Christ in me salutes the Christ in You" and then I added "TGIF".

Trainer looked amused, said "They don’t know what TGIF means".

"Really? They don’t?", asked I.

Trainer took a poll, and many did not know what TGIF stood for.

They’re all young teens and 20 somethings, which may be why. But still, I’m flabbergasted, because TGIF is a universal thing.

So, anyway, it’s been a nice leisurely afternoon of crafting — trying to catch up on photos that need to be added to the Creative Memory book.

This one page I completed today is likely to get me in trouble with the family, as the Playdate Summer of Science photos led me to build a design around them that’s based on an Emmy Award winning TV series.

I tried to go in a less controversial, more kid-friendly direction, but the photos kept leading me to be designed thusly.

I myself am pleased with the layout, it makes me giggle, and though family might not find the layout amusing, it will probably fly over the heads of future generations .... be puzzling, just like TGIF is to this generation.

So it is what it is.

Which of you get it? Know the Emmy Award winning show that inspired me to go in this direction?


  1. Replies
    1. How could I not. The chemistry aspect was begging for it, LOL.

  2. How in Hades could someone not know what TGIF means?

    1. I recently learned young people can neither read nor write cursive so, though they use acronyms for everything I shouldn't have been so surprised they don't know the basic TGIF.

  3. It's probably from a kid's show that debuted when I was long into adulthood so I haven't a clue!

    1. I'm surprised at you Bob. Here's a clue ..... Heisenberg.

  4. If it’s not Breaking Bad, I give.

  5. Hilarious. But maybe no one will get it. It’s charming and innocent otherwise. I think maybe the whole world is crying.

    1. Crying with us or mocking the election results with memes, like "what borders on stupidity? ..... Mexico and Canada".

  6. I never saw that show, so I couldn't guess your creativeness. Wow! The youngsters don't know TGIF? Guess they haven't worked a hard week in the world yet to be glad it's over on Friday. And it's even a restaurant around here.
    And do you know the real meaning of SNAFU? Oh, it's not just a mess up, but a military term: Situation Normal: All F'd Up. Korean Air Corp veteran told me that. And speaking of words to try out on teens. When population was dropping in a foreign country, that's why the King said: Fornication Upon Command of the King. It was just to get the population numbers up.
    Your weather is acting like Kansas! Might see Toto and Dorothy! Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm sure they know the restaurant TGIF and probably thought that's what I was referring to until Trainer asked. Don't know where I learned it, but I do know what SNAFU means. As for the origin of the F word, I'll take your word on it, LOL.

  7. I only ever saw a couple of Breaking Bad episodes, but I got your scrapbooking theme! My favourite acronym from WWII is FUBAR: F****d Up Beyond All Recognition -- Stanley tools produced a pry bar a few years ago named Fubar that was withdrawn from market very quickly, LOL!

    1. Good job on getting the theme with only a few episodes under your belt. I've heard the R in fubar to be repair, but recognition works. Stanley should have known how the public would react. A costly mistake.

  8. I love the page!!! Very creative. How do they not know TGIF. I thought all they could spell was initials. Too crazy.

    1. They understand emojis and initials, but I think young people these days don't work 8 hours days 5 days a week. so probably have not gotten into the mindset of TGIF.

  9. Maybe most adults will get the Breaking Bad connection to your scrap book page but kids wouldn' no problem in my book.

    1. It's the adults I'm worried about, like White Grandma and another I won't name, because she might read this (LOL). Some people don't have the sense of humor I have and are so judgy.

  10. I never watched the Show so had to cheat and Google what it was about, so now I get the Dark Humor of it.

    1. It's such a good show that I even binge watched all 62 episodes every time it was brought back to TV. I think it's on Netflix now. Give it a try. I think you'll find it fascinating.

    2. Sadly our NetFlix expires in just 3 days and right now it's not within the budget to renew it, so, perhaps another time I can explore that lengthy Series and binge watch it.

  11. I keep waiting for rain but we haven't had any yet.
