Friday, November 8, 2024

Old Dogs New Tricks

Turns out old dog can learn new tricks because, arriving at bingo just minutes before the start, I found no one had touched my cards, beads, water bottle.

That doesn’t mean bingo was without drama.

Di walked in, sat at the table with me, as did Name Dropper — the resident that came to us in July and was quick to say her granddaughter is an actress, had a role with John Travolta when she was a child.

Name Dropper said she doesn’t hear well, which may be why she was so LOUD.

Rather than clap, Name Dropper would HOOP AND HOLLER when someone won. In addition to which, she and Di talked when they shouldn’t have, completely oblivious to the disapproving glances cast their way by other players and the organizers.

At one point, I warned them ………… "You two are going to get in trouble", but Name Dropper seemed to take my words as a challenge, finished her conversation with Di with a look in her eyes which indicated she was telling me "You can’t tell me what to do".

It wasn’t too long after, when I’d stepped away from the table to help a winner at the prize table, and saw one of the organizers walk over to Name Dropper, lean in, say something to her.

When I returned to the table, Name Dropper had a hurt expression on her face and said, "I’ve just been told I’m too loud. Am I loud?"

"Well yeah", said I as I nodded in the affirmative.

Guess that wasn’t what she wanted to hear, because she then turned to Di, who had also been away from the table — probably to get a cupcake and, looking to be on the verge of tears said to Di, yada yada yada "I’ve never been so insulted in my life", yada yada yada "I almost got up and walked out", yada yada yada, "I’ll never acknowledge or smile at that woman again".

Di commiserated with Name Dropper, began to advise her saying, "This is what you do when people say things like that to you".

I'd tuned out by then, and didn't catch what Di told her to say.

Name Dropper and Di continued to rehash the audacity of being told to pipe down off/on to bingo’s end.

I also met a new resident who is a returnee — lived here a few years ago, just moved back.

Poor thing is in for a big surprise, as things aren’t like they used to be.

Checking out the prize table when I walked in, I’d spotted a small gingerbread house kit; decided I’d pick it as my prize if I won a game.

My winning wasn’t looking good, until suddenly, with only two more games to go, I won — called BINGO! at Game 8.

Later, when bingo ended — and Name Dropper and Di were still discussing the incident, one of the organizers heard Di say the word "F _ _k", called me over to say how outraged she was.

Big fifing deal …… This woman obviously doesn’t know me, thought I as I said, "I say it all the time".

"But you don’t say it in here, in front of us".

"Not yet".

That’s twice when someone tried to drag me into inconsequential issues. First was when Name Dropper tried to get me to commiserate with her hurt feelings, and then one of the organizers wanted me to be as outraged as she by someone using a four-letter word.

The ladies don't seem to realize we’ve got bigger problems.

After having been on edge for such a long time, dreading the outcome of the election, like I previously posted ……… I am strangely mellow now.

Nothing is fazing me. It didn’t even faze me that The Baker served the cupcakes she made in red/white/blue patriotic liners, which I took to be an indicator of her possibly being a red hat. The liners being the equivalent of trucks I've been seeing, since the election, deliberately driving around with big American flags waving in the air.

She’s never indicated so, I’ve never asked, but inasmuch as her daughters are married to cops and firemen, it makes sense The Baker is more than likely leaning that way.

Oh well, everyone has to be something, so I didn’t make a big deal of it other than to let her know I know by saying, "Um hum, red, white and blue liners".

She laughed sheepishly.

So, that’s the tea on this episode of bingo with the seniors.


  1. Love your gingerbread house. Oh the outrage at the F word, LOL.

    1. She doesn't strike me as the pure as the driven snow type. Never cursed her own darn self.

  2. "But you don’t say it in here, in front of us".
    "Not yet".

    That reminds me of one time at work I dropped an f-bomb and my manager started to school me, and I replied: "But I wasn't f__king talking yo you!"
    We all laughed, even management, but I learned to tone down the f-bombs!
    At least at work.

    1. From my own at work experiences, when I'd have liked to jump on the desk and go all Ann Marie, that at work is the hardest place to maintain.

  3. "The ladies don't seem to realize we’ve got bigger problems.", I am noticing how many people seem oblivious to that Fact, Fiddling as Rome Burns down... ah well, when they Wake Up one Day, Reality shall set in hard. The "Not Yet" had me LMAOROTF... I now swear like a Sailor and have lost any inhibitions not to frankly. *Winks* Congrats on the Win and Princess T is building Two Gingerbread Houses this Week, so, I will look forward to your and her Construction Reveals. When loud obnoxious people clutch their Pearls about being confronted with the Obvious, and then take Offense, it is a giggle, isn't it? They want the Attention but not if it doesn't have consequences of actually getting it in the ways they deserve. *Snicker*

    1. I was thinking I'd set this gingerbread house aside until closer to Christmas, but if Princess T is already working on two houses, I'd better get started. I've blogged before about how disappointing it is the residents around here are so out of touch with what's going on in the world outside these gates. How Name Dropper responded to being cautioned, and how the other reacted to the F word, just goes to show how small their world is. Revolves around them.

  4. Don't forget to make your frosting " glue" with a mix of egg white and powdered sugar , it sets up really hard and strong. JanF

    1. Duly noted, and I won't burn my fingers like I did with the hot sugar glue. What's the ratio of egg white to powdered sugar?

    2. I just use an egg white and beat in as much powdered sugar as it will take to become stiff and usable not at all runny- it's easy to tell. JanF

  5. Excited about the ginger bread house. I’ve always wanted to make one and have never gotten around to it. I can’t believe the organizer tried to stir up shit about fuck.

    1. Never too late. Make this your year to do a gingerbread build. I once heard the woman complaining about hearing the F word was on some kind of mood regulating medication. That she gets unlivable with when off her meds. This must have been an off-med day.

  6. I would never have thought you to be such a quiet, tactful lady, Shirl! 😄

  7. Reading the flag from left to right, I've always thought we should call our colors blue, white, and red. And if you look at the colors of other countries flags; red, white, and blue are the most common colors. Russia is red, white, and blue.

    1. Interesting, but rwb rolls off the tongue a lot smoother than bwr.

  8. People who talk during bingo don't seem to get it, that others are trying to hear the numbers called. Happens often in our games and the caller shouts out "Be quiet!" Old people, what are you going to do with us. Can't take us out behind the barn and shoot us.

    1. Precisely! The caller cannot hear winning numbers being called back, have to be told to be quiet AND they're so busy talking that they miss numbers called, have to keep asking, "What number did you call?" Maybe we should work up a little etiquette sheet. In fact, I'm going to look into it.

  9. Good possibility. For hard of hearing folks, the letter B and G sound exactly alike and I and O are confusing. The letters are one-syllable words and one-syllable words are the hardest to differentiate when a hard-of-hearing person is trying to hear. It wasn't til years later that I realized certain numbers go under each letter's column, if I'm remembering correctly, to try and compensate. No numbers will be called until all is quiet, eh? Good Luck, Linda in Kansas
